I never buy levis, I never buy nike, adidas, converse, I dress head to toe in local indonesian brands, the smaller the brand the better, if I buy directly from the workshop even better. I never buy nescafe, I buy indocafe, I never buy korean ramen, I buy Indomie noodle and I'm still not considered indonesian enough because I have chinese blood in me, but apparently the majority of local people especially the youngsters shop secondhand japanese and korean clothes to look like their korean idols on TV.
I'm not against thrifting for people living in 1st world countries who don't even manufacture clothes anymore, but personally in my own country I never buy second hand even branded brands, I rather spend my money on local brandnew local made clothes, even when second hand branded clothes are even cheaper than locally made good quality clothes, I rather spend my money to artisans and local manufacturer, than secondhand clothes traders, what a shame...