The bowler thread brings this up.
For whatever reason, in modern times, mens hats that have come up in the last 150 years or so are generally modern, or at least quite a few of those types of hats are still in use. Cowboy hats, fedoras, berets, . . . and yes the baseball hat, have all stuck around and are still worn.
But some styles have gone from general use to almost costume or specialized use.
Taking those that have been worn since 1900, I wonder what has wondered off into that category? Opinions.
To start with, I'd note bowlers. They're still around, but they've gone from general use to very specialized and limited use.
I'd add boaters too (or at least I think that's the name). Those former summertime hats that now are worn only during political campaigns, it seems.
For whatever reason, in modern times, mens hats that have come up in the last 150 years or so are generally modern, or at least quite a few of those types of hats are still in use. Cowboy hats, fedoras, berets, . . . and yes the baseball hat, have all stuck around and are still worn.
But some styles have gone from general use to almost costume or specialized use.
Taking those that have been worn since 1900, I wonder what has wondered off into that category? Opinions.
To start with, I'd note bowlers. They're still around, but they've gone from general use to very specialized and limited use.
I'd add boaters too (or at least I think that's the name). Those former summertime hats that now are worn only during political campaigns, it seems.