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I restore hats only using the naptha bath if absolutely required. And before it do it I tear the hat down so I am cleaning only the felt in the naptha. I have come to the position that using naptha is not always necessary or even the best way. If the hat is just dusty and shop worn I will bathe it in a low Ph soap, Orvis Paste. It is kinder and gentler than naptha, I can do it in the house as it leaves no mess or odour. Naptha is great if there are grease or hair product stains but sometimes it can take out too much including some dye and leave the felt with uneven colouration.Hi guys... just finished (for the most part) my winter season hat naptha bath... thought I'd post some comments and have a question myself...
So I used 3 gallons of Crown white gas, bought at Walmart in the camping section... I wanna say I paid in the $13-14 range per gallon (3 cans). I don't recall the price exactly, but it was the same price as the Coleman Camp Gas, I do recall. I used the plastic tub I've used before with no problem. When I did it last year, I filtered the used gas through a coffee filter back into the cans, but I decided to just use new gas again, and used the old stuff to kill weeds in my driveway cracks (worked well!). I sprayed out the container with the garden hose but then noticed a dried powdery coating the inside of the container, below the 3 gallon mark. It's been a year, so I'm not sure what it might've been, remnants of stuff that came out of the hats last year? or maybe the container itself breaking down due to the gas? The container is plastic, not quite as stout as a pickle bucket, and I did leave the old gas in it for some time before I filtered it. In any case, I used a scouring brush and scrubbed it all out with water, and went along with my bath plans.
I bathed 4 hats this time, 3 lighter beige colors, and 1 green one. I used Lexol leather conditioner on all of the sweatbands, inside and out before the bath. I highly recommend doing this, I didn't have any issue with the sweatbands except what I'll detail later. Back to the bath. I think I determined this time to do the order of the least dirtiest first, as each subsequent one would be exposed to the previous one's dirt. And by dirt, I mean dust, etc from years packed away, these were all vintage lids won at auction. It did not occur to me until after to perhaps have done the darker green hat first or last due to color(it was in the middle, dirt-wise).
All of them came out relatively well, with a couple stain spots I used a toothbrush to scrub out. A couple did not, one that looks like it might've been an ink mark on the brim (maybe to indicate exact front across from the bow inside at the back). The gas scrub just kind of smeared it some. As well, there was a light mark of something on the ribbon of one hat, and the gas scrub got most of it out, but when it dried, there's a light stain of the area I scrubbed. So I need to try some method to get that out of the ribbon. Not sure about the brim mark, it's not hideously noticeable, so wouldn't be too bad If I left it alone. Anyone have any experience with ribbon stains?
Another thing, I did notice some shrinkage this time moreso than the last. In my container, the gas comes up to about the brim of the hat upside down. I turned the sweatbands out to spare them the dunking as much as possible, but I did press down a little bit to get the entire brim wet, so the sweatbands did catch some gas. So after, I noticed some shrinkage on at least two of them, not unbearably tight, or an entire size shrunk, but enough for me to put them on hat stretchers to hopefully stretch them back to size. Anyone else encounter shrinkage due to the gas bath?
The hats were dirtier than I initially thought, because there's a good amount of grime on the bottom of the container now. I'm debating washing one more hat, that's REALLY hammered, to see if I can get some of it's dirt out too. I'll decide this weekend.
Oh yeah, this year I just wore basic nitrile gloves that worked fine. My hands didn't spend much time in the gas, so no issues there.
Overall I'm pleased with the results, tho it seems to me the dirt was actually covering up a lot of wear on the felt... which I thought was weird... hadn't noted that last year on other hats.
Also up in Canada I pay almost $30 for a gallon of naptha so it is an expensive product. I also use separate wash baths...one for light colours and a separate one for darks or very dirty felts.
Glad it worked out for you.