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So trivial, yet it really ticks you off.


I'll Lock Up
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, USA
How do you lose one shoe???

Other than kids and moving them around... one shoe? Maybe too much drinking? Does this often happen to other people?

I'm just going to pat myself on the back here for having it a bit together for having never lost one shoe, yet. I might not have it together in lots of ways, but I have yet to lose one shoe. ;) Two shoes, probably. Not one.

G.W. Masters

New in Town
When someone gives me a worthless handshake. I detest this the most of all things that might be considered trivial by some people. There is a proper way to shake hands in the USA and all of those mechanics are important. When someone delivers a gross handshake, I lose respect immediately and I probably won't initiate a handshake with them again because the meaning of the act has been irreparably lost. Sometimes I even get a disgusted expression on my face and want to gag and then possibly teach them a lesson or two about respect. I will occasionally call someone back who gives me a disrespectful handshake and give them direct criticism.


I'll Lock Up
Chicago, IL US
I met Laura Bush at a presser and I wanted to smack George W.:mad:
The lady is so adorable. :)

Several Chicago cops who served security when Hillary visited told me that she had some "anger management" issues.;)

Obama and I met once at Morry's Deli in Hyde Park. He taught constitutional law at Chicago, didn't make much of an impression.


One Too Many
United States
There are those of whom are not of her political persuasion who will think differently, but ever since she came to office she's been attacked all round for her, you won't believe this, her shoe collection. She's also had to deal with those who question her childless state. Yep! When it comes down to the big issues, you can forget Trump, the resurgence of Putin, Islamic State and all the world's turmoils and hotspots. A Prime Minister without kids and lots of shoes, you cannot be serious.

She'll have a long way to go to beat Imelda Marcos in the shoe department.


I'll Lock Up
Trump's hair (granted, God knows what is really going on up there),
All the hair transplant experts seem to agree, it's the product of a bad hair plug operation in the late 70s! So, when he says it's real, and his hair, he is telling the truth, but what a comb-over. Round and round it goes, where it stops nobody knows!


I'll Lock Up
New Forest
I think it's a given that a female politican will be judged on her appearance far, far more often than a male, regardless of the gender of the person doing the judging
When Tony Blair first took office, there was a photo of his wife Cherie, answering the door of 10 Downing Street, having been up all night. The gutter press fed off of it for months. To this day it's still known as a Cherie moment.


I'll Lock Up
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, USA
The bit about her "childless state" is even more obnoxious than the shoe thing. What the hell business is that of anyone but her?
As women we really run the gamut of very personal questions (and comments) regarding childbearing.

If you know someone really well you will know whether they would like to have children, have more children, etc. If you absolutely cannot live without knowing, you can bring up your child status (none, number, etc.) in conversation and they will likely respond in a way that will clue you in- sometimes by changing the subject. If you don't know them well enough to have such a conversation, why do you care? (Barring medical professionals who need to know for medical reasons.)

Also, on the point of trivial things, I wish people would stop saying things like, "Why don't you just adopt?" like adopting a child is like going down to the shelter and picking out a dog, something you do on a Saturday for fun. I've never known anyone who's adopted a child in less than 4 years from start to finish without a few roadblocks along the way.


I'll Lock Up
New Forest
Also, on the point of trivial things, I wish people would stop saying things like, "Why don't you just adopt?" like adopting a child is like going down to the shelter and picking out a dog, something you do on a Saturday for fun. I've never known anyone who's adopted a child in less than 4 years from start to finish without a few roadblocks along the way.
Well said, it's true that people's childless status is always a topic of conversation. There are those for who you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Years ago, some friends invited us to the guy's 40th birthday party, it was held at his home and on a weekend. This meant that everyone could bring their kids. The kitchen had been turned into a creche, but no one was really organising the kids, too busy imbibing of the grape, so I did it. I had them flipping beer mats and catching them before they fell and all the silly party games that I remembered as a kid myself. "I thought that you didn't like kids," said one mother. "I've never said that I didn't like children, I may not have any, but children are people, like all of us." I'm also in awe of parents, it's such a tough job, but I can see how they feel it's rewards.
I told my brother, his daughter grew up to become a doctor. He told me that a relative thought that wasn't good enough. It seems that his having only one child has robbed the world of the potential of another doctor.
Go figure that one.


I'll Lock Up
Also, on the point of trivial things, I wish people would stop saying things like, "Why don't you just adopt?" like adopting a child is like going down to the shelter and picking out a dog, something you do on a Saturday for fun. I've never known anyone who's adopted a child in less than 4 years from start to finish without a few roadblocks along the way.

If you're rich a famous you can buy them relatively quickly from third world countries & you're offered a wide range of colors & sizes which make wonderful accessories to your designer clothes when being snapped by an organized paparazzi photo shoot.
I wanted to buy my usual stock of my favorite alcoholfree maltbeer from the discounter-supermarket, which I bought since years and now, they took it out of their sortiment. Now, it happened. :( But of course, I calculated, that this will happen some day. Maybe, it didn't sell well in whole Germany.

I know, that are real luxury-problems. And I'm quite lucky under that circumstances! Because, they replaced the storebrand-maltbeer with an extra-herbal alcoholfree Pilsener-beer, as an addition to their basic alcoholfree Pilsener-beer.
So, I was of course going secure and grabbed the new extra-herbal Pilsener-beer, instead of the limp basic Pilsener-beer. And I always liked extra-herbal beer, if it's a good one.
Now, I already drank a bottle of it and I can really say, for an alcoholfree Pilsener-beer, this storebrand-one seems to be really good! :) I know the alcoholfree Pilseners, of course, and I can truly differentiate between the bad "dishwasher" ones and the well made tasty ones. And this new one is definitely not bad! It's herbal, but not really extra-herbal. But the great thing is the tasty, strong malty base. So, it's not a real Pilsener, but rather more an old-fashioned "beer on draught" ("Schankbier"), or call it light-Pilsener.
But like I said, It's definitely not bad. :) Maybe, I will not miss the maltbeer much long.

So, if you want german regular alcoholfree beer, go secure and grab the extra-herbal stuff. With that, you will just become more for your money.
New York City
How do you lose one shoe???

Other than kids and moving them around... one shoe? Maybe too much drinking? Does this often happen to other people?

I'm just going to pat myself on the back here for having it a bit together for having never lost one shoe, yet. I might not have it together in lots of ways, but I have yet to lose one shoe. ;) Two shoes, probably. Not one.

I was thinking the same thing. Other than for a few minutes until I find it tucked under a piece of furniture or the bed, I've never lost one shoe either - seems hard to do. Now losing one sock is an entirely differently thing.

Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
Don't get me started on one sock.
Dryer manufacturers have been paid off by sock manufacturers to ensure that their dryers "eat" a certain percentage of socks every second load (every load would be too suspicious). Thus are sock purchases artificially increased for the benefit of the sock manufacturers. Of course, the Dryer companies get a kickback. I read about it in Wiki-leaks. But then it turned out that the "Dryer Manufacturers" angle was actually a fake news story planted by the Russians. You see, the Russians are trying to sew distrust of the Clothing/appliances industrial complex so that everyone goes back to old fashioned clothes lines which --aha!-- are manufactured near Moscow. Of course, that doesn't explain the missing socks, does it?


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
Somebody must have lost all those single shoes you see in ditches by the side of the road. The circumstances are not for us to know.

As far as the kids thing goes, the only class of people in the world more self-righteous than the ones who'll tell you why they chose not to have kids are the ones who'll tell you why they did.
New York City
Don't get me started on one sock.
Dryer manufacturers have been paid off by sock manufacturers to ensure that their dryers "eat" a certain percentage of socks every second load (every load would be too suspicious). Thus are sock purchases artificially increased for the benefit of the sock manufacturers. Of course, the Dryer companies get a kickback. I read about it in Wiki-leaks. But then it turned out that the "Dryer Manufacturers" angle was actually a fake news story planted by the Russians. You see, the Russians are trying to sew distrust of the Clothing/appliances industrial complex so that everyone goes back to old fashioned clothes lines which --aha!-- are manufactured near Moscow. Of course, that doesn't explain the missing socks, does it?

"(every load would be too suspicious)" LOL

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