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So trivial, yet it really ticks you off.


I'll Lock Up
Alamo Heights ☀️ Texas
It causes my bile to perk ferociously when The Live Talent comes swanking into my office and says "Are you my house manager?"

I am *the* house manager. Unless you can show me a bill of sale.

You should've told them that you are *my* bartender at the Fedora Lounge
and if they have any questions/problems to come see me.

And please don’t let these *healots* upset you.
It’s not good for your health.
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Call Me a Cab
The Great Pacific Northwest
Similar vein: when some new client would ask me if I was a public defender or a "real lawyer."

I'd reply that " ... the State Supreme Court and the Federal District Court have declared me to be a Real Lawyer.. but what the hell do they know compared to you, right??"


I'll Lock Up
New Forest
Preach it loud Brother!!! I've been anti-Daylight Saving Time my entire life. Choose one time or the other, then leave it alone.
Count me in, I would love to see daylight saving time scrapped. The problem the UK faces with that is Scotland because of their geographical location. Remember, we only have one time zone.
Slightly different but equally annoying is the movable dates of Easter, I would love to see it fixed to something like the last weekend of March. You need a weekend so as to have Good Friday and Easter Sunday, so anyone object to a fixed weekend?

It causes my bile to perk ferociously when The Live Talent comes swanking into my office and says "Are you my house manager?"
I am *the* house manager. Unless you can show me a bill of sale.
That pompous use of 'ownership' p*sses me off too. Pre-technology days when everything in business was stored on paper, I had a secretary, but she did a lot more than wipe my nose and keep me in check, we clicked so well, it was like a platonic marriage. But I hated it when anyone referred to her as: "your secretary." What do they think she is, some sort of chattel?
New York City
I have been in management / decision making positions where, especially when I was young, I had all the things Lizzie and others above reference happen to me. One of my favorites is, when I'd tell, for example, a salesperson that we (the trading desk) couldn't do something for them, they'd demand to "talk to your [my] boss."

As if I would now be shaking in my shoes. I knew my job (probably almost as well as we all know Lizzie knows hers) and always made sure I was aligned with my manager, the law, the rules and company policy before making decisions, so threats like that never bothered me. But since my nature is not immediately confrontational (but I will defend myself), I have found continuing to be nice, not challenging these types of people - but letting them know they are probably going down a useless path - and, then, letting them run into the wall that they eventually will was the best course of action.

The "win" if you will is when they have to come back to you and do it your way. It might never be said, but you know - and they know you know - that they got shot down and were told to respect your decisions, etc., but you never had to raise your voice, etc. It's satisfying in a very impactful but low-key way.

Last thought (until my small brain has another useless one), there is a quiet dignity in not engaging with rude people in a confrontational manner. "You, kid [I'm 30, he's 50], get me your boss - I've been doing it this way since you were in diapers." There's no sense in dignifying that with a confrontational response. I just give them a "I'm sorry, but what you are asking would violate company policy [or industry regulation], hence we can't do it, however, my manager's number is....but you will find he / she will tell you the same thing." When someone is rude, yelling, being obnoxious, etc., a calm demeanor normally frustrates them more and is, IMHO, quietly dignified.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
Not all Live Talent has that attitude. Most of the grizzled old show business veterans I've dealt with are the most cooperative humble people you'll ever meet. Not all of them, mind you -- Judy "Where's my limo!" Collins, please copy -- but the vast majority of road-hardened entertainers who come thru here have no attitude whatsoever, and are great people to laugh it up with before or after the show. The main exceptions tend to be Filmmakers, especially film-school-graduate types under the age of about forty -- all of whom that I've met, without exception, come from a very privileged background where people like me are expected to keep their place. When they go too far with the attitude, I can be astonishingly passive aggressive with these people -- as in "Please get the (fuuuuuuuuuudge) out of my booth, or I'm shutting this show down right now." That kind of passive aggressive. You notice I said "please."

My favorite performers, in terms of how they are to deal with face to face, are the comedian Paula Poundstone, who is an absolute peach -- Her only demand is that we have a cold can of Diet Pepsi waiting for her when she arrives, and she carries all her own gear; an NYC based vintage-jazz band called the "Hot Sardines," who not only play my kind of music, but are also my kind of people; and a rising young comedian named Earl David Reed, who will hang around after the show for hours talking comedy construction and technique. It's folks like this that make all the rest of the BS I have to deal with worthwhile.


Practically Family
I was feeling kind of Christmasy finally because we had a bit of snow this morning. I was at work in the climate-controlled building. But having to go out in the wind chill to the grocery store made me angry. I just couldn't not go; I was out of a lot of things.


I'll Lock Up
Alamo Heights ☀️ Texas
I was feeling kind of Christmasy finally because we had a bit of snow this morning. I was at work in the climate-controlled building. But having to go out in the wind chill to the grocery store made me angry. I just couldn't not go; I was out of a lot of things.

With a wind chill of 11º.
I would consider moving the heck outa there.

Seriously, what about grocery delivered to
your home to avoid the harsh conditions?

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Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
Tonite's fun pack --

Haughty blonde woman is told that her underage daughter can't sit in the balcony while the bar is open.

"But I take her to Applebee's all the time!"

Is told that she is in a theatre, not in Applebees, and that our license has specific requirements we are bound by law to observe, one of which is that no minors are permitted in the balcony while alcohol is being served.

"I don't believe you, that's not what your license says!"

Is told that it is, in fact, what the license says, and the point is not open to argument. Is reminded that she and the daughter passed three signs on their way upstairs which stated in large letters YOU MUST BE OVER 21 TO ENTER BALCONY.

"I didn't think that applied!"

Is given the choice of taking a seat downstairs or on the sidewalk.

"You're ruining my evening over THIS??"

Is escorted downstairs to talk to the theatre director. Is told the same thing.

"I'm reporting you! And you too! You're both a**holes!"

You imagine the rest of the story.
I hate this unusual german mild autumn-weather, these days.
Normally, I have never a problem with sleep at night, but this weather shortens my sleep down to two, three, maximum four hours. :confused:

So, please send me old-fashion dark, sinister and cold winter-weather, that I can have my seven hours-sleep back, thank you!
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I'll Lock Up
New Forest
Some people just won't take, "You're wrong, and you're a moron," for an answer.
You can actually pick those types out, quite easily. The world must centre around them, trivial things they do, but nontheless annoying. They will park in a reserved for disabled driver bay. They will leave a shopping cart in the middle of the car park instead of putting it back. They will discard litter from their car, they will approach a junction and turn without indicating. Car indicators, they are optional extras.. And signs, what are they for? Ignoring the no under 21 sign is one thing, out on the highway you see them racing up to a hazard, oblivious of all the signs that their lane is closed, then they cut in at the last second. Just small, trivial details, but enough to spike the blood temperature of all those around them.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
I hate this unusual german mild autumn-weather, these days.
Normally, I have never a problem with sleep at night, but this weather shortens my sleep down to two, three, maximum four hours. :confused:

So, please send me old-fashion dark, sinister and cold winter-weather, that I can have my seven hours-sleep back, thank you!

We're getting the same kind of weird weather here -- it dips slightly below freezing at night, and then it's warm enough to walk around bare-legged and without a coat during the day. There always used to be snow on the ground by the end of November, but now we're looking at a fresh crop of dandelions.
New York City
You can actually pick those types out, quite easily. The world must centre around them, trivial things they do, but nontheless annoying. They will park in a reserved for disabled driver bay. They will leave a shopping cart in the middle of the car park instead of putting it back. They will discard litter from their car, they will approach a junction and turn without indicating. Car indicators, they are optional extras.. And signs, what are they for? Ignoring the no under 21 sign is one thing, out on the highway you see them racing up to a hazard, oblivious of all the signs that their lane is closed, then they cut in at the last second. Just small, trivial details, but enough to spike the blood temperature of all those around them.

⇧ All good points.

One very small but great "tell" in NYC is how a person places his/her hand held shopping cart down. NYC is over crowded and space, everywhere, is at a premium, so hand held shopping carts are used a lot here and, usually, they are place in the front of the checkout counter after you put your stuff on the belt. They quickly stack and the convention is to put the arms "out" so that the next person can easily stack his, hers without having to move the arms out of the one already in the stack.

I have seen the following happen repeatedly. The person in front of me goes to put his/her hand-held cart in the stack only to be annoyed that the person before them didn't put the arms "out" so they (1) just put their's directly on top (hence, it is now at an odd angle, about to tip over and forces the next person to correct both carts if they want to stack their's and (2) they don't put the arms on their cart "out."

Most people "correct" the arms on the one on top and then put their's in the right way, but the people you describe do as noted above.
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I'll Lock Up
I hate this unusual german mild autumn-weather, these days.

We're getting the same kind of weird weather here -- it dips slightly below freezing at night, and then it's warm enough to walk around bare-legged and without a coat during the day. There always used to be snow on the ground by the end of November, but now we're looking at a fresh crop of dandelions.

Global warming & all that...........what used to be unusual has now become or will become the norm. Too late to turn back now. :rolleyes:

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