Nice hats,interesting comparison.My last comparision featured cousins, today I would like to share my observations about Mallory siblings.
The Mallory Ten and a Mallory Dallas both in silver belly are shown below. I know other Lounge members have these hats and have posted pics of themselves wearing them. They are not "rare" fedoras. Not being rare, does not take away from their magnificence. I boldly state that both models use the same quality felt, same color run, same dimensions, same block, and even the same quality leather band. The difference is the ribbon work, brim flange and edge binding. Any color differences that show up in the pics are due to lighting when I took the pics early this morning.
Mallory, in the 1940's sold both hats for $10.00. "Take a Look at Yourself in the Mallory Dallas." Mallory advertised that the fedoras were a light weight felt made with the Pliafelt process.
The liners are a bit different in that the screened logo is different. The material, feel are nearly the same - siblings.
The Ten was from a retailer in St.Peter, MN and the Dallas from Eau Claire, WI. The retailers were 154 miles apart.
The Mallory Ten -
The Dallas -
I do appreciate why other loungers post up their hats frequently as both hats are comfy and enjoyable to wear. Some days you need a medium ribbon and some days you need a thin ribbon.
Wonder what I will choose to wear today or tomorrow?
Thanks for taking a look at the siblings. Best wishes, Eric -