Smuterella said:I have that in A line skirt form!
zaika said:thanks! y'know, i'm not quite sure if they are or not. my guess is that they're probably just plastic.
MaryDeluxe said:Wonderful waterfall set! I'm thinking your handles might be Caitalin. It's a form of bakelite just a different chemical formula that makes the plastic transparent instead of opaque.
BeBopBaby said:Good call Mary, I totally forgot about catalin. I have a white mesh purse with a catalin kisslock closure and catalin chain handles at home, I think I need to pull it out and clean it off to use this summer!
A lot of items that we refer to as bakelite are actually catalin, especially the jewelry. Bakelite has become a blanket name in the same way that some people call all tissues Kleenex.
zaika said:miss elise - thank you! the book is actually really fascinating. it has some good illustrations of sewing techniques and lots of advice on how to dress based on body type, etc. and it's in pretty good condition. the vendor actually had two of these. i wonder if any of the other ladies here have one?