Thanksmaybe I'll try leaving them in longer! My hair goes down to my hips, would pin curls still work with hair that long? I feel like The Veronica Lake style is the only one I can do :/ haha but it is very pretty!
No wonder you have problems holding the curls then.Pin curls may be a bit hard for you, but I have a friend with as long hair as yours who makes rag curls with great success.
AAH! so pretty! Everyone has HOT hair!Lolita Haze So pretty! I look forward to the tutorial!
Crwitt, you look very stylish!
I have been playing around with Tatum's tutorial and though I haven't got the prefect grasp on her faux rolls, I'm slowly getting there. here is a not very good picture of my birthday hair. Three victory rolls and one faux roll in the front.
My 2nd attempt at faux bangs...