Just a simple double rolls do. However, the detachable bow from Arthelia's Attic's snoods makes a perfect alternative to a hair flower. You can find Arthelia's Attic and her snoods on etsy!
I set my hair between every 5 and 7 days, and I have this issue too. I find it's bearable, but I think if the itching is bad enough to distract you then you probably ought to sacrifice a day or two of your set. Are you using a good cleansing shampoo to really get rid of all the buildup when you wash?
Thanks so much for the response! It's bearable but I guess I wasn't sure if it was part of the territory, if you know what I mean. Yeah, I do the whole "rinse & repeat" on my wash days. Thanks again!
I'm loving all these 20s/30s do's :eusa_clap Lolitahaze, I would also like to know how you keep your hair looking so soft and in good condition. When I bleached my hair to go bright red it was in terrible condition, and I have vaguely considered bleaching it again to try blonde (but am scared to take the plunge in case it looks ridiculous on me)... If I had some tips to keep it nice then I might be more tempted.
MariantheLibrarian - When people refer to foam roller colors, what does that mean? The ones I get from Sally Beauty Supply in the US are all black regardless of the size.