Here is a a Stetson pork pie I picked up last year. Not really my style, but Robert likes it.:eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh:
bolthead said:It's now a Pork Pie as well.....
I said all along that I wanted a Blue pork Pie, and now I finally do.....
looks great on you. with that wide flat brim and the flat top it almost looks like a boater.150719541 said:In my office, a Borsalino. Trilby alined to porkpie"
:eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap
Nice hats, the dark is a special to me, great hats ¡¡¡¡:eusa_clap:eusa_clapHere's my Biltmore porky with a pinch in front and a bow in the back...
...and my Art Fawcett - black and furry with a lavender band:
I decided to use my Bailey conversion to experiment with a porkpie crease. This hat is made with a very thick felt and not easy to work with. I was still playing with it hours after taking these pictures.
What I found interesting, and even somewhat fun, was trying to determine the height of the crown in relation to the ribbon, the hat, and my face/head.
I like it better with the porkpie.
I think porkpies are more of a shorter brimmed hat. I have two older Dobbs, both with 2 inch brims. One is tan and one is gray. I think Im gonna try this on the gray one next, simply because I prefer the way the tan one looks on me the way it is.
Nice job with the new crease the pork pie has to be one of the most difficult to do. with the wide sweeping brim it looks like a gambler to me