I have one of these and wear it at times in the summer.
Love the black leather / brass buckles combo. As long as you're comfortable with it, go ahead!
This could also look awesome with plain black t-shirt.
Dang, I think I want one of those!
Thanks !
I will post a pic and the contact info if I like the work. He sells some very interesting cuffs and general leather work.
Couldn't agree more, no need to ask the fashion police if it's ok to wear anything. Social media has given every self opinionated upstart a metaphoric soapbox from which to dictate to the world what to wear, what to listen to, what to vote, how many babies to have or have not, indeed, even how you should live your life. I could give you some advice as to what to tell them but profanities don't go down too well in The Lounge.
I've got two more bracelets to photograph as well. One is made from silver.
Speaking frankly about those "rules", aren't wristwatches a superfluous item themselves, in today's age and time?
I don't see much difference in bracelets that tell time and those which don't, and wear both regularly.
I really like this bracelet but I am 47 years old . If you would have asked me 10 years I'd buy this in a heartbeat. The brass buckles make it elegant IMO. Id never consider buying it if it had silver buckles.
This paired with a pair of jeans and a short sleeve tan dress shirt with nice shoes.
Too much ? I feel that being covered in tattoos allows me some sort of creative freedom at my age. After all I have always respected my inner freak
Some web articles say if it doesn't tell time don't wear it on your wrist !
Would love some opinions.
By the way it is made with english bridal leather...oooh aaaah
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Actually I do have a certain desire to fit in. Nobody likes to be alienated for being weird. Nothing wrong with individual style though.
My theory is if you go off the beaten path DO IT WELL. Leave a mark so that others may be inclined to take the risk and also create something unique.
If it doesn't come off as a hit drop it......We all make mistakes. I have made several style mistakes in my life but I learned from them.
If your arms are covered in tats, who's going to notice the bracelet?
Does MS-13 still use recruiting posters?Sorry. looking like a freak show has never been a positive image. Who wants to look as if they are a recruiting poster for MS-13?