A couple of points. The first is that you can buy a nice, new fur felt hats for under $100 if you work at it a little. Last week I ordered a Stetson Whippet from the Hatco outlet store for $99. Last month I bought a very pretty Dobbs Beechwood for $97 on an inventory closeout at Levine's Hats. Not $60, of course, but 100% fur felt. I would bet the Hatco store has Stetson fur felt hats for as little as $75. Some here don't think much of Stetsons or modern hats, but that's another issue altogether. Personally, I prefer them to vintage hats. I own 11 Stetsons and I like every one of them.
Another point is that people have no idea what you paid for a hat. While a $400 custom is thing of beauty and wonderful feel that instills pride of ownship, the man on the street won't know the difference. So those that buy $400 customs do so for themselves. Nothing wrong with it. I support it completely. I think it's great that people buy Jaguars and Rolex watches also.
Finally, a hobby shouldn't be a financial drain on the hobbyist. Most of us on this board can't afford to collect rare and exotic automobiles. So we collect hats. Another leisure time interest that can bring pleasure. And, it is one that is much easier to afford for most of us than collecting rare automobiles. What you spend on a leisure time hobby is a personal thing. Spend what can without having it affect the rest of your life. After all, what really matters in life are family and health. The rest of it can be replaced.
Another point is that people have no idea what you paid for a hat. While a $400 custom is thing of beauty and wonderful feel that instills pride of ownship, the man on the street won't know the difference. So those that buy $400 customs do so for themselves. Nothing wrong with it. I support it completely. I think it's great that people buy Jaguars and Rolex watches also.
Finally, a hobby shouldn't be a financial drain on the hobbyist. Most of us on this board can't afford to collect rare and exotic automobiles. So we collect hats. Another leisure time interest that can bring pleasure. And, it is one that is much easier to afford for most of us than collecting rare automobiles. What you spend on a leisure time hobby is a personal thing. Spend what can without having it affect the rest of your life. After all, what really matters in life are family and health. The rest of it can be replaced.