You know Craig I just got hold of some heavy steer cordovan, my goodness, what a leather! Erm, now back to the news Russet for me is like a blond, seal more brunette, I happen to like both. But this cordovan mamma mia!
Worf and the other members who commented about complexion, hair color, etc., being a deciding factor when selecting colors for clothing are spot-on. Having such a direct comparison of the two colors available, in my opinion the russet favors you slightly more, but both of those jackets look good on you and appear to fit perfectly. :eusa_clapHere are some photos. The first two are the new russet goatskin Aero Californian I picked up. The last is my Sears Hercules halfbelt in seal horsehide...
This particular model of Sears Hercules seems to be the one that Aero based its 50s Halfbelt patterns on. There were other makers out there, but this seems remarkably similar. Bill Kelso's Westfall jacket is also based on a Sears Hercules original.Forrest that Sears holds up well to the Aero. Who Knew?
The russet more business/professional looking and the seal rock and roll.
Jeff, beautiful leather on that one. Highwaymanman, I get what you're saying. The brown FQHH Aero uses seems quite special. Maybe it is a good middle ground between russet and seal.
Found those pics of the patched russet hide after 1 year of wear. I remember being told this was "red russett" Japanese horse hide, but it doesn't look that red in the pics;