Hi Toine,
It is not easy to answere this, but I have placed the boot on top of a tape measure, which gives the outside length (sole included) as: 31,5 cm.
And 11 cm on the foots broadest point. (Again outside with sole incl.)
But let me tell you, that it is a lot easier if the boot is a bit too big than a bit too small.
They have always been too small for me. That's why I am selling them.
If they are a bit too big for you, you can always put an extra sole inside them. And mind you, they are just a bit narrow at the wrist, for a size US11. So they might just be perfect.
The new pair I just bought, I bought in one number bigger than I use. Just to be sure. And they are comfortable and very easy to get in - and out off.
Recently on eBay someone was selling a pair of ex- B of B russet flying boots or so they claimed. The looked damned authentic and brought USD100+. What is the story here? Is it all a crock with these or are they the real deal?
Coockie - the story is very simple. Many years ago (10+) a friend of mine bought these REPLICA boots for me in US in the Avirex store i NY.
Unfortunately - not knowing the different size-systems - they turned out to be too small. Two numbers too small!!!! So they have - more or less been standing in my closet year in and year out, untill I got myself a new pair in the right size from Aero. End of story.
So what do I do now. I try to find someone with smaller feet and in desperate need of a nice pair of 1936 pattern boots. REPLICA and with RUBBER SOLES! (See picture on top)
I am NOT trying to earn big bucks here - I sell them for half the price of a pair from Aero, who at the moment and to my knowledge are the only ones, who produce flying boots. 150 EURO is the price. + shipping if its to the other side of the planet. (A pair from Aero is 190 £ + shipping)
Now you decide wheter it's a real deal or crock, mate
Thanks Paddy. how do you like the development on my new boots? (See other post)
They are breaking in - slowly. But the season is not right - and I am not in "angels 15".
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