Mayser Velour, probably late 1930s.
I love the square crowned derbies. They are pretty hard to come by. I read somewhere in an old American Hatter issue that at one time, the square crowned derbies were referred to as "Coach" derbies to be worn by coach drivers. In the same ad they referred to very short and heavily "belled" top hats as coach hats as well.
WOW!! Steve, just unbelievably fantastic hats!! :eusa_clap:eusa_clap
Superb! I saw that one on ebay as well. I had hoped that you picked this one up. Beautiful early Longhair which definitely has a different look to it than a long hair Hare or Nutria. It looks like some of the photos I have seen of true Beaver top hats from the 1830's/1840's.