A classic. Patton had his flaws, but he did get things done - and usually quickly...
Concerning the original question about "Patton" the movie - I do like it and do watch it, but the fact that they have US tanks fighting other US tanks with different paint jobs takes it out of the "great" category for me.
My great uncle was in the 3rd Army/ 71st Infantry Div. in Europe. he reinlisted and stayed until 1946. Most disliked the his "Frank Savage" approach to everything even when it wasn't needed.
Who said "_______ _________ could chew up a ham like Patton without picking his teeth".? I remember the remark but not who said it or who the other general was. It was from a book by a WW2 correspondent, probably Ernie Pyle.
Finished an interesting book the other night on the 1916 Punitive Expedition. Patton was close to leaving the service if he didn't get an interesting assignment. Like being assigned to Pershing's staff. I suppose the General dating Patton's older sister might have helped a little!
Oh, that movie's a classic, of course! I love t, and can watch it over and over.
Even though I'm a big Patton fan, I don't think he was the best general ever. Honestly, I think we had better generals in WWII, and probably our best general to date was probably "Ole Iron Tits," Matthew Ridgway. Walter Krueger is another underappreciated general from that era, and is second only to Ridgway in my book. Krueger's greatest skill lay in voluntarily taking a back seat to MacArthur's enormous ego, and getting everything done behind the scenes to make his boss look good at all times.
Patton was a tactical genius, but lacked a lot of skill in other areas, like logistics. Nonetheless, I still worship at the Patton shrine! lol