LOL....Thank you are broadening my horizons !!!thank you kindly triple-d ^^
LOL....Thank you are broadening my horizons !!!thank you kindly triple-d ^^
The beauty was so 1920s Paris .......I do understand why so many Americans went to spend a long time was not only Prohibition or because the franc was so low to the was because of the haunting beauty everywhere my humble opinion....I would have gone there with them....and be buried there LOL!
(all gone now my friends, now France is a Hell, a true Hell as the rest of Europe..........sad.... but that's another topic.... we ONLY and STRICLY talk 1920s here)
I was just this morning speaking with an old friend, who has for decades lived in his grandmother's old flat in 7e arrondissment. I asked him when France descended into Hades. He laughed, and said "Not quite yet" and asked me how my knee replacement was holding up.
I was just this morning speaking with an old friend, who has for decades lived in his grandmother's old flat in 7e arrondissment. I asked him when France descended into Hades. He laughed, and said "Not quite yet" and asked me how my knee replacement was holding up.
"Not quite yet...."
Almost there though.
Sad but true.
Msr. Arno has a wicked sense humor. I can assure you that he in no way supports your assertion. When were you last over? If you found Paris distressing you might find Budapest, Lvow, or Bratislava more to your taste.
When I was in Budapest I really liked know....nice Hotel and all that....
Paris I have been so many times in the past..... that Paris is no mo.
No more.
Well, yes. Just as the New York of our youth is no more, or the London, or Berlin, or Prague. I personally find the changes to New York over the past forty years to have been more drastic than those which Paris has seen. Of course, I lived for some years in New York, and knew it with an intimacy that a few weeks at a time twice a decade for 40 years in a foreign city cannot give. I have generally seen that city from the sleepy, little changing, 7e arr. where my friend has lived for so many years.
I do notice a change in the complexions of passers by in the central city, though.
These days, we Americans no longer dominate the tourist haunts of Europe, for there are now hundreds of millions of members of the rising middle classes in East Asia who have both the desire and the means to see the great sights of The Old World, just as we are discovering the delights of the East.