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Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
Christopher Sharp over at “Liberation Times” has, in all seriousness, revealed that sources have informed him that an undersea ufo crash recovery has taken place in the hands of the U.S. Navy and the CIA. This story was picked up by Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp at the Weaponized Podcast in the context of how Mr Sharp was pressured into making such a wild statement. The thing that makes this interesting is that all three of these men fall firmly on the “investigative journalist/serious inquiry” end of the ufology spectrum, as opposed to the “clearly nuts” end of the spectrum.

Don‘t get me wrong, the story sits squarely in the “I heard it from a classified source” category. I.E. - there is no proof. However, I think we may be hearing more specifics about this in coming weeks or months. It’s a fascinating story, straight out of science fiction. Who wouldn’t be interested?

In a possibly related development, it looks like former Navy Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet will testify at the House of Representatives UAP Hearing scheduled for 13 November.

Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
This leaked program is actually kind of believable. If only because its goals are so modest in comparison to some of the other supposed top secret programs mentioned lately.


I can well believe there is a program to vacuum up all ufo images and data from military collection devices. I’d love to see what’s in that database!
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Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
November seems to be heating up.

First we have the House of Representatives UAP Hearing on November 13th.
Second, SOL Foundation will have its second conference on 22-23 November. Interesting list of speakers…


On November 8th Netflix will unleash a show featuring our favorite ufo journalist, George Knapp:

I can’t wait for all three of the above. So, if you are a ufo hobbyist or armchair X-Files investigator, get a big bowl of popcorn and a six pack of beer and settle in for a fun and interesting month.
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Tiki Tom

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Oahu, North Polynesia
Is this the day when human history changed forever???
just asking.


What am I talking about? A radio signal that has been analyzed to death but still appears to (maybe) come from a far distant planet. The article hints that the West is in a race with China as to who will break the news first.

Still interested? Here is a Quick Look at what we know about the planet Proxima B:


What do you think? Real possibility or jumping the gun by a mile? How creditable are these players?
I know, I know. All these articles tease us with the “the truth is just a month away” line. I guess we will know more in the coming weeks/months. Mark this as “to be determined.”
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Familiar Face
If any planet has sent us radio messages thousands or hundreds of years in the past, enough time would have passed to where they can probably now visit us in flying saucers in all but 5 minutes. So that's pretty funny.

Keep in mind that the time window where any given civilization might be actively sending radio signals to other star systems is very, very narrow. A few hundred years at most, and that's very generous. The probability of two civilizations being close enough to one another for effective communication during this extremely short time span is stupendously low.

How do we know this? A: Aliens are everywhere. B: Artificial radio signals are not.

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