I'm up. I'm starting a new job at work that requires me to be clocked in at 4 am.
Make glad and sorry seasons as thou fleet'st,
And do whate'er thou wilt, swift-footed time....
A Cinderella night owl again tonite. Any other owls flyin'?
I've decided to return to the emperor's court
once more I shall see if it's possible to live there
I could stay here in this remote province
under the full sweet leaves of the sycamore
and the gentle rule of sickly nepotists
Zbigniew Herbert, The Return Of The Proconsul
Machiavelli's The Prince. Philosopher and knave.
Cinderella night owl -
Cinderella's hour or later, a very light sleeper, and awake by four bells
chimed by the parish church nearby. Or out all night.
My first cup of coffee is sipped at dawn while sitting in my car outside the office.
Cool mornings, hot java, and Glen Miller's Moonlight Serenade, the official night owl theme.![]()
When I really can't sleep I lie in bed in a comfy position and recite the poem Lepanto in my head, syncronising the rhythm of the words with my breathing. Of course that requires knowing Lepanto. !
And it has held up ever since above the European lances the banner of the mystery of chivalry.
Orthodoxy is a real knockout.![]()
When I was in the army, one of my favourite memories was doing rapelling at night out in the country
and seeing the unbelievable vibrancy of the stars...
My outfit once was caught beneath a brilliant night sky. Orion the Hunter shone such brilliance we used his diamond stars
to encircle the bevel and Cross for our team ring's design. Sometimes the hunter, but more often the hare. [angel]
*Hoot* early bird night owl this night. Simone Weil's The Need For Roots, with a preface by T.S. Eliot, whose remarks
may hold the key to the enigmatic riddle of Simone, whose early death precludes easy and sure philosophic decipher. :coffee:
... and the night sky was particularly vibrant with stars. Suddenly over the radio, I hear the tower call me and say, "you are landing on our field, aren't you!" Back to reality, and a quick decent to final.
Teaching must be like the service. Do they pay you salary too or hourly?
Salary derives-as I recall-from the Roman coin called a solari; currency paid a Legion dogface for a day's service.
"Three hots and a cot" pro patria.![]()
It lives!
The Night-owl thread is still cracking wide its bleary eyes, it's my only night shift this month, but I thought I'd check on the thread and see if anyone was up and about.
Any other owls out there?
If so, I'm curious, what nocturnal proclivities do you find yourself doing late at night? For me it's anything but reading... leaning towards mostly movie watching.
Mine isn't by choice either WHW.
However, I usually have a routine for settling down in the evenings, that works most of the time.
Unless the wife comes to bed later than usual, and I wake up more than 2-3x.
Anything past that number and my brain decides it's 5am and sleep time is over. :eusa_doh:
I do not have anyone to wake me up, so I cannot say that is part of my problem.I even tried the Rx sleep aids, but I am not one to use such and quickly tossed those aside.
So I will just keep watching the sunrise.
Glad to see I am not the only one though.
Maybe a late shift late night owl, which would be before the dawn.![]()