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New Ladies and Gents Step Forward


My Mail is Forwarded Here
Chattanooga, TN

My name is Alexander, and I've been lurking here (admittedly a term I picked up while lurking) for about 3 weeks. Thanks to all the great loungers, and the information and pictures that have been posted, I've made the jump to buy my first hat: and Akubra Federation IV. I'm very excited while waiting for the hat's arrival.
I admire very much the Loungers here, and as a practical, reasonable man (of 19 years of age, at least), I love the notion of purchasing and appreciating the Golden Era, and especially the importance of purchasing products meant to last. I look forward to the many discussions I will probably participate in and of the many things I will probably learn.
Covina, Califonia 91722
The Magic Number is 15! Welcome new members!

Just a quick note to our newest members, you've taken your first step into the Lounge and hopefully are enjoying it a lot. A special note to remind you that you can move up in "rank" so to speak as you add to your number of posts.

A key Point: There are some features that will become available to you when you hit the magic number of 15 posts to allow you to experience the ability to use the private message section, plus see more stuff. As I understand the Events Section opens up to you then also.

The events section is a great resource for the Loungers you can see that around the globe people are coming together to celebrate "vintage" as collectors, historians and life style choices. Also if there is something going on that you know about in your area you can post the event when you're vested in the Lounge, just make sure it's an appropriate vintage focus event.

Here is a how to write up such as post that will help. It's based on how to write an invitation with some hints for the forum. Note that the thread title is very important to include what where and when.

How to post AN EVENT:
Let's start with the posting the TITLE
In the Title you should put:
WHAT the Event is - Like "Vintage Car Drags"
WHERE it is - How about Irwindale, CA
WHEN it is - let's say August 31st, 2008

So the title could say "8/31/08 Vintage Car Drags Irwindale, CA" and there like magic "at a glance" the readers may know What, Where and When.

In the body of the first post you can spell out in great detail:
1)Name of sponsoring organization
2)Type of event (birthday party, business networking meeting, etc.).
3)Place - a full address often helps with mapquest or google maps
6)RSVP date and contact info - if needed
7)Any special dress requirements from black-tie to bathing suits.
8)Rain date (if any).
9)You may need to be specific about who is invited, whether addressee only, with guest, or with spouse and children, no children.

If it is something like an annual event and you had a great time previously you may wish to bubble about it near the end of the post.

If there is a website for the event or organization hosting the event you can post that link.

Since you may expect guests not from your local area, include a map to location of event if possible or if on the link indicate it is there.

Post anywhere from 2 - 8 weeks in advance depending on the occasion.

As a reminder, most Loungers may have no clue what you are posting about. A posted title that says "Who's going to GRAP-CON?" is a head scratcher for those not in the know. While it may invite looks, you really should put a title that reads: "GRAP-CON Anamie September 28 GUAM" as this helps most of the Loungers reading the events section know at a glance that chances are they are not going to be making the GRAP-CON Comics & Anamie Fest on Guam if they live a few thousand miles away.

I hope this helps you write a great Events posting.


New in Town
Not new, but a long-time lurker, enjoying all the great topics. Decided to say hi in person.

Since I've got the floor, I may as well post a question here, since I couldn't find an appropriate place to post it elsewhere:

Does anyone know where in the world this sort of style of dress, with nice feminine dresses, gentlemanly hats and suits, etc. can still be found as a matter of normal social conduct?

The only places I've seen it to an extent (except for individualists) is in Eastern Europe, such as Prague, Krakow, Budapest, and parts of Russia. The women there dress very feminine (especially Russia) and the men tend to really dress to the nines, if they can afford to. I used to where a nice fedora (an antique from Luxembourg) when I lived in Prague, and I felt right at home doing so.

Would love to hear others' experiences, or if there is a thread covering this, please provide a link, so I can derive some hope! ;)
Covina, Califonia 91722
Go to Fedora Lounge FAQ at the top of the sections.

bradford said:
John - thanks for the info.

Does 15 posts allow you to see other members profiles - or even my own?

YUP! There is a section: "Fedora Lounge FAQ's" at the top of the sections menu. Enter that one and follow the links to take you to the various rules etc.


Familiar Face
SF Bay Area
All right, it's time to de-lurk, make a commitment, and finally post after a couple months of reading FL (it's been very educational).

I'm a resident of the Berkeley/Oakland axis with an overarching interest in Old Stuff (Golden/Silver Age comics, dime novels, scratchy old 78s, historically-preserved dive bars, low-budget monster flicks, film noir, old-time radio, vintage eyewear, the usual business). My interests skew a little more mid-century than some posters here, but there's a lot of crossover...I was also very into the punk/new wave thing as a impressionable 1980s teenager (the "do it yourself" ethos is still an ingrained habit for me). Hobbies include drawing, painting, printmaking, and the study of obscure SF/Bay Area folklore.

'Til next we meet!


One of the Regulars
Hello Lovelies!

Hi gals!

My names Morag, I'm a seamstress and I guess I've only been into vintage for about 4 years. But I'd say that my wardrobe is about 50% vintage now.
I've definitely been lurking here for quite a while, I can't even remember where I found out about it now. It just finally felt like the right time to join in on all of this. My interest in eras change by the month lately, right now I'm all about the 50's but I made myself a flapper dress earlier this year when I was really into the 20's and 30's.
I went on a tour of central Europe last year and we spent a day touring Auschwitz, since then I've been very interested in everything about world war two.
Also Mad Men's been getting me into the 60's style, but it's not generally my thing.

deputy tom

New in Town
New Member...

Hello Folks.I just joined the other day and posted in a few threads.I was looking fir this thread but didn't find it until today.I wear lots of different hats,some vintage styles and some newer ones.I found this site on another forum and liked what I saw here.Other things like old drink shakers,fountain pens,tie bars, waking sticks,etc. also interest me.I have quite a few items in each catagory but most are family hand me downs.Great stuff from 1920's on.tom.

Lady Pearl

New in Town
New Lady In Town

Hello ladies,

It's so nice to have other people appreciate good fashion!
This is my place!

See you around

Lady Pearl


Familiar Face

Just joined up today and am primarily interested in A-2 jackets. Have been browsing your forums for awhile, but never registered. Love the great content and info here and proud to be a member.

Lady Cecilia

New in Town
Hello Ladies!
I decided I should really come out of my lurking corner because I'm starting to feel a bit voyeuristic. I love hats (vintage and occasionally new), dressmaking, golden era cinema and a whole lot of other things. This site is a great source of information and inspiration, so thanks to all of you who contribute to it!

Retro Chick

New in Town
Norwich, UK

I guess I'll start by introducing myself! I actually found the Fedora Lounge researching vintage suits for Mr Chick, then it popped up again when I was looking into girdles I can't believe I never found it before. It's such a great resource!

A few days later I read Fleur De Guerre mention it on her Formspring account as well, such an odd coincidence.

I write a fashion and style blog called Retro Chick which is heavily vintage influenced, though I do like to dive into the 21st Century occasionally! It's about 2 years old now.

The more vintage communities online and offline I find, the more I get into it and the more confidence I get. It's marvellous to find other people into the same kinds of things, and I probably never would if I'd not started my blog.

Marvellous. :D


New in Town
Well howdy out there to all the lurkers out there (like me) that have just joined! I'm Vai, I'm 23 and wowed by the tremendous resource this forum is.

I'm originally a Victorian and Edwardian enthusiast, and while my first great love is steampunk, I'm finding that I'm sewing 40's sportswear more and more. After the vogue pattern sale though I'm going to try whipping up two of their dresses and a suit ensemble (so relieved I don't have to fiddle with adjusting the waists or the crotch).

I sew because it's simply more practical, even though I would love to be a patron of...well, anything Lisa Freemontstreet or Fluer lists. Most of the time I draft my own patterns based on what you lovely folks post, and I'd love to discuss ideas with anyone else who sews.

Also, my fiance has his hair chopped into...yikes, it's the stereotypical greaser style, but I can't remember the name! And I'm sporting the middy (abiet at a 14" length), so I'm also interested in swapping styling ideas!


One Too Many
hello ladies I founds this site while looking for retro hairstyles patterns and recipes and I'm devastated that I didn't find it sooner! I'm interested in sewing dresses (do I get funny stares when I wear retro dresses to work), swing dancing, and I've always had this strange fascination with WWII and 40s styles.... thank you all for sharing here!


New in Town

Hi, Im Jessica. Ive loved vintage house wife/ pin up for as long as I can remember. I live in a small town in the middle of Missouri.

just dropping in to say HI!


New in Town
Hello tribe,

I discovered FL while on a few other hat blogs. I'm a theatrical costumer, specializing in costume props, and very specifically, theatrical millinery. I've loved all things vintage forever, and am CRAZY for all things hatty. I love being girly, but I REALLY love that Kate Hepburn strong and lovely lady-in-guy-clothes thing. It's been fun to see all the hats on heads (both men and women), and I've already learned a huge amount of stuff from all of you. Thanks for all your generous and fun sharing!


New in Town
Adelaide, Australia
Hello Kats and Kittens of the Fedora Lounge,

My name is Jase and I hail from Adelaide in South Australia and I love Vintage Stuff!! I am a trumpet player in a swing band called LUCKY SEVEN and love wearing suits and hats although its very hard to find athentic Vintage mens wear here in Australia. I generally have my suits made and copied from genuine pieces and photos i collect. I drive a 57 Plymouth and am constantly on the search for any vintage apparel, my latest piece is a 8pie bakerboy cap from Christies of London. Its real baggy and I love it!! Look forward to chattin to ya all!!!




New in Town
what a great site!!! ~

came to search for information on a man's summer hat we acquired recently, had no idea how much more encompassing this would be: LOVE this!

we've been wearing/selling/collecting vintage clothing since the 70s, but have never handled many (men's) hats ~ looking forward to learning/sharing here


Familiar Face
Good evening,

Thought I'd say hello and try to introduce myself..such a tricky thing to do:rolleyes:

I live in Norway,in a 50s lumber cabin in the woods.
The house interior is a mix of deco and early teens/20s.
My favorite era is late 20s and early 30s, glamour is the key word but I am not exactly afraid of getting dirty!
I adore the outdoors and spend a great deal of time in the garden or the forest observing wildlife and spoiling the local furry creatures.
I have 7 rabbits in the house to keep me company, we like to spend our days watching old films, listen to OTR, spend ridiculous amounts of money on antiques and vintage clothing..that I use/wear and the rabbits would just love to chew on:mad:
Hope to meet lots of interesting people and learn a few things as well.

Cheerio for now! *blowing kisses*

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