M Hatman
I'll Lock Up
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Well, here is my story......I know they introduced the Whippet again a couple of years ago in their "Royal Deluxe" line of recreations (the Stetsonian and the Stratoliner are part of this series). I am aware they have two versions, one with a factory bash (teardrop) and the other an open crown. I have the Strats in both versions and have been pleased with them and also have the awesome Stetsonian. Now I wanted a whippet.....saw the tawney factory bash which was a color I did not have and was not offered in their open crown version. As I was pleased with the Royal Strats with factory bash I thought the Royal Deluxe Whippet would be even better....
Got it today (will not say who I ordered from but they will be hearing from me) and was I wrong...it had a couple of dark rubs and a small dye stain but get this....it was hard as a rock....no softness at all. I could put in a clapper and ring it like a bell. I THOUGHT I was ordering a fur felt fedora...........not a western hat.
So, ok.....a cry out to all of you that have one of these new whippets.....are yours like this too????
I am especially interested in hearing from those who purchased the standard royal deluxe whippet as apposed to the open crown version which I assume is like the Strats and Stetsonian open crowns.......but I could be wrong about the whippet version of those too....
Ps I have a lot of Stetson hats and even my couple of western hats were not this stiff......was not at all expecting this.....only thing to compare is the Stetson wool hats that are likewise very heavily sized. I have one that I scotch guarded and I wear for really rainy weather. I does shed the rain.....
not to say I told you so ... but ...
Perhaps if I wear it around in a driving rain it will soften up......;-)
I am still curious if ALL the standard Royal Deluxe Whippets were made like this or if I got an early crappy production one......
Not a Whippet and not Royal Deluxe but I just picked up a new Chatham and Temple, both are Sovereign. They are very soft felt, not stiff at all. Not quite the same but pretty close to my vintage Lee 20 (in softness, not construction). Bought them as "knock around" hats (hiking, errands,etc.) but could not be happier with how they feel in the hand. Now that I've lived with them (couple weeks) they've upgraded from the intended knock arounds to daily wear / nicer occasion.
The Chatham is pretty close to the the Whippet without a bound edge. Don't know what color your playing with in the whippet but might be worth considering swapping out for a Chatham Sovereign. Just a possible direction. . .
I don't sell very many Whippets so I never paid any attention to the stiffness.
I just went and checked my inventory and found them to be a bit stiff.
Not as stiff as the OR but a bit stiffer than the Royal Deluxe Strats.
I can't say that I found it to be disagreeable.
Bob, you should be a vendor and have to try and explain the changes when they're made.
We are not their core customer.
Sent directly from my mind to yours.
the NY LE is a wonderful soft hat... really nice.
I just cannot get myself to spend $365 plus shipping on a modern mass produced hat .
Been talking to a place in Minnesota who has them in stock in a couple colors and I'm tempted but…
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I bought this cognac/green Whippet a/c the colors but it certainly isn't vintage/custom felt.
Has anyone bought these recently? I'm looking at the Stetson Whippet in Caribou on Delmonico hatter and Amazon, it's only about $150. I'm just afraid it isn't an exact repro and won't have the true vintage shape and design. Anyone have any good pics of this hat from different angles?
Perhaps I'll stop by JJ hat center in the city and check it out in person first.
True, and Roman is right to be skeptical of the shape and design. I have a modern wool felt Whippet as a knockaround hat. Its a Whippet in name only. The proportions are off: the top is too low and the brim is too wide. I trimmed the bound edge off mine, and steamed a diamond bash into the top, to disguise the much-too-perfect factory bash. By removing about 1/4" of brim, the crown and brim are in proper proportion and the hat nicely resembles a vintage piece- at a distance. But it still does not closely resemble a Whippet.
Following up on the previous post-- here's my modern wool "Whippet" after trimming the .4" of edge binding off, and slightly altering the factory bash. Proportions of the hat are now correct for a vintage fedora. Post-modification, its a real good hat for a small frame / narrow face like mine. 2nd pic shows the modded-modern wool "Whippet" (left) compared to a '40s original Whippet (right). The most obvious difference is the higher crown of the original, but close up, its clearly not a replica, just the re-use of a popular name to sell a generic fedora. Also, to get back to the OP, the hat is stiff, much stiffer than the original and will not hold a bash without steam. But I have Western hats that are much stiffer. Bottom line, its a pretty good Fedora for the price, if you remove some of the brim.
Wearing the original Whippet, a hat with attitude. The lower crown of the modern "Whippet" is less showy, which can be an advantage, depending on the situation. I get positive comments and looks when I wear either one.
... liner and sweat
looks to be early 50s ... possibly OPS era ?
what is telling me that is a couple things
the stars in the liner crest but the leaf in the sweat crest
the keyhole size tag without "Stetson" on it
also the liner with no plastic tip cover yet.
can you get pictures of the labels under the back of the sweat ?
don't bother if you feel turning the sweat will damage anything ... they are delicate sometimes
Let me know when ya sell that, Uhu
Modern fur felt Whippet.I bought it for the colors;the quality is really average.
I've long liked that color combo also, @RJR. Is that a Premiere (open crown)?
Sent directly from my mind to yours.
Moon, the sweat doesn't seem real eager to say "ahh" and reveal its secrets so I'll have to leave it be. I dont have a fur felt version of the modern "Whippet" but I reckon RJR is correct on his grading of the felt. Looks like the back end of the brim doesn't want to hold an up-sweep. I've ordered one out of curiosity and will see what can be done with it. Figure it needs a brim trim and dose of stiffener. Thanks for the feedback!
Aside from the colors(cognac-green)there isn't a lot to write home about.The felt feels stiff as western,the crown is fairly low and pre creased,the ribbon work had to be redone,etc.Its one of a run sent to JJ Hat Center per Deckard.
Frankly, I wouldn't touch a new Stetson unless it was Royal Deluxe Quality or above - and open crown.
Sound policy. Its a shame the new made, mass produced hats are of such poor quality &/or design, yet so widespread. The layman considering a fedora is likely to try one on in a department store, glance in the mirror at the misshapen lump of felt on his head, feel ridiculous, and never want to repeat the experience. And so we lose another potential member of the brotherhood. But who could blame him?
I've got the "Premier Whippet" in hand now... initial reaction: underwhelming. Tall crown like the original, much taller than the wool version, but again the proportions are off. The brim is definitely too wide. Felt feels nice, but it doesn't take a crisp bash like an original. Ribbon is narrower and looks cheap for a "premier" item. But the colors are nice and maybe something can be done with it by trimming the brim and steaming a crisp bash into it.
Moon said it best-- nothing like the Whippet as we know it. Its a shame the designer tried to reinvent the wheel and couldn't just copy what worked.
Its not whippety as-is, but might be fixable. The oversized brim is the main problem, not only inaccurate but looks downright cartoonish on me.
Are there any hatters willing to take a simple job like sewing an edge binding on a raw edge, and return by mail?
Well, it's very difficult to find any hat - even customs - that stack up to the quality of vintage hats. From perusing past discussions on the FL, it appears that many of the techniques used to achieve the quality of felt of even a mid-50s hat are either lost or are too expensive to economically produce. I have handled a couple of modern Premiere Whippets, but don't own one. My only points of reference for owning modern Stetsons are a Royal Deluxe Stetsonian and Royal Deluxe Racine (and a slightly older Lamont). Both are very nice felts that take a dry bash pretty well, they are just more substantial and thicker felts than most of my vintage dress hats.
The dimensions, however, match up by my estimation. The Fall 2017 Stetson catalog lists a Whippet with a 5 1/2" open crown and a 2 1/2" bound brim, which are the same dimensions of my mid-50s Royal Stetson Whippet. Can't speak to comparing ribbon widths, though. What are the dimensions of the Whippet you illustrated above?
Agree, the difference between vintage and modern hats is night and day. Which is true for most vintage vs modern things.
Brim on my original 2 3/8ths, brim on my copy is 2 5/8ths. On a wide shouldered fella the discrepancy is probably not gonna make a difference. But on a small frame / narrow face like me, any brim over 2 1/2" starts to look silly unless its a Western hat. Ribbon on original 1 3/4", ribbon on copy 1 1/2" I guess Stetson saves three pennies per hat that way.
To make sure I wasn't imagining things, I put the original Whippet inside the inverted brim of the copy. Not off by much, but enough to annoy purists like me.
and my early 40s Whippet has very different dimensions
Crown 5 3/4
brim is a hair under 2 3/4
ribbon is 1 1/2
binding is 3/8
One of my prized possessions right here.
early 40s Vita Felt with embroidered tip
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I love the creases in it too, and its patina. Other than a dusting, that's exactly as I got it, and I'll keep it that way. Your early Whippet is a rare beauty! Its very interesting how the dimensions changed in the years between ours. Has this been documented anywhere on the forum or the web? It would be so great to have this info in one place. When I started with hats, I used 30s-50s Sears catalogs as references for changes in crown heights and brim widths over the years, but data specific to Stetson types is still a mystery to me. Anyway, getting back to the copy, the remake has a 5.5" crown, so its not matching up to either pattern. But can't rule out there is an original that it does match! I assume yours is a 7 1/4, like mine?
As for the original "Stetson" Whippets I have seen 2 1/2, 2 5/8 brims, and even a 50's model with a 2 7/8......they seem to very like the "Open Road" model. Not sure I have ever seen one less than 2 1/2, but am sure they probebly made one.
Now....the dimensions of my fur felt modern factory bashed modern Whippet is the aforementioned 4" to top of dent, probebly would set out to around a 5" open crown....and more taper than I like.........brim is a "hair" over 2 3/8 with a 3/8 bound edge top & bottom. Has only a 1 1/2 inch crown ribbon......(which is one of my biggest complaints with the modern Stetsons, they make ALL the ribbons about a 1/4 inch too narrow.....except for the Open Roads and Strats).
Any way....Cheers,
yes 7 1/4
Link to vintage Stetson Whippet thread here:
Best, Eric -
As I posted earlier, the dimensions of my mid-50s Whippet are identical to the modern Premiere Whippets (5 1/2 x 2 1/2). So the new ones aren't dimensionally inconsistent with at least one version of vintage.
Sent directly from my mind to yours.
They're out there. Just takes patience and luck. Lots of luck.
Sent directly from my mind to yours.
I've been looking for one of those forever, as well as for a Playboy, a Wanderer, a Strat,....I gave up. A couple of life saving surgeries from about four years ago depleted me financially and I can't afford to bid against people on ebay for one. Having to take an early retirement at 62 and working part time operating a Reach Truck in a Warehouse doesn't give me many advantages either, plus my wife is going blind in one eye and she's going to need surgery. But! They're on my Bucket List!
Too bad I'll probably kick the ol' bucket before I could ever afford one for myself! 
...and hat tools! I need hat tools! I have them on my bucket list, too! I can't afford them. But, they're on my list anyway!
I tried on a modern Stetson Whippet at my Haberdasher yesterday. Nice hat, $180, but it just wasn't "all that" for me. I think he ordered my size in Silverbelly to taunt me. The overall dimensions just seemed not quite right vs a vintage Whippet. A little on the stiff side also. I fantasize that a 50s version would be more soft and have the hand I'm wanting. Oh, the life of a hat addict...
Agree Red. There is something "off" about it. No matter how I've bashed the repro, side by side with the original there's no comparison. My first impression led me to think the dimensions are the problem, but after the input above, and more handling, I think the felt is the issue. It feels nice, looks OK, but it doesn't behave like vintage felt. More like suede leather. I haven't hit it with steam yet, that might help.
It occurred to me that- at the list price of $180 for the repro- one could buy a non-Whippet vintage fedora and have something much more closely (maybe exactly) resembling an original!
Yup. Or be well on the way to a custom.
Sent directly from my mind to yours.
50s era clones are great, look great and, even on eBay, price reflects quality. I like reproductions, in theory, because I can wear 'em worry free. Should one blow away and get run over by a truck, Amazon will sell me another one just like it.
Welp, quit work early today to try and see if I could steam the repro "premier" open crown Whippet into something that looks like a vintage Whippet ... and got nowhere at all, looks just the same as dry creasing. In my opinion, the felt is too thick and springy to mimic the crisp creasing that gave the jaunty shape and character to originals.
Speculation on my part, but I think Stetson wanted to market this hat as a "premier" item, and so selected what they consider a "premier" felt, thick, durable and pleasant to the touch. Leathery felt like this is probably great for the Western hats that Stetson specializes in, but no good at all for this application.
Besides the un-Whippet-like shape, the dimensions are too much hat for a 5'8" 150LB fella with a narrow face. It looks like an exotic lampshade on me, but might work well on a bigger guy. I guess I could try some nuclear options like drenching the cap in water etc., but I think I'll just toss it in the back of the closet and forget about it a while. In the meantime, it would be great to see if a Lounger with more than my limited experience can make something of this lid!
I understand the frustration of working with thick felt, but it can be done. The tea kettle's probably not going to put out enough steam like a professional hat steamer to accomplish the crease you want, especially with thicker felt. I dabble in converting western hats to fedoras, (talk about thick).
I get my hats damp, (but not soaked), with water from a spray bottle. You only want to get your hat damp enough to mold it. Here's a couple of hats I did that way. Anyone familiar with Resistol Stagecoaches can tell how thick the felt is on those....your modern Whippet's not going to be as thick as these Resistols
Thanks T Jones! I've admired your conversion work on the forum, I think your methods might work on this thing!
I hope everybody is doing well and I am sure this has been discussed here in the lounge before but I'm in need of some guidance. I would really love to have a "Stetson Whippet" and have been looking around and I'm ready to go but I was hoping that someone that has a modern Stetson could give me some advice.
From the postings that I have read, there are a lot of mixed feelings about the quality of a modern whippet and before dropping the $200 on a fur felt one, I hoping to hear some thoughts from anybody that currently has one.
The modern Whippet was faithfully reproduced by Matt Deckard, who sometimes still pops in these parts. The current Royal Deluxe felt is pretty good and in general has a softer, more plush feel than say, Akubra.
That having been said, some custom hatters are priced competitively with Stetson and that will probably be a better quality hat.
Even though modern Stetsons have little connection to the historical John B. Stetson company, I understand the appeal of the Stetson branding, so I say go for it if that's what you want.
Hey Jlee,
Thanks for getting back with me, I really appreciate it. I think I'm going to go for it and thanks again for the help. Since I have never had one how will it fit compared to a fitted ball cap? I wear a 7 3/8 fitted ball cap, should I get the same size in the whippet?
Got it today (will not say who I ordered from but they will be hearing from me) and was I wrong...it had a couple of dark rubs and a small dye stain but get this....it was hard as a rock....no softness at all. I could put in a clapper and ring it like a bell. I THOUGHT I was ordering a fur felt fedora...........not a western hat.
So, ok.....a cry out to all of you that have one of these new whippets.....are yours like this too????
I am especially interested in hearing from those who purchased the standard royal deluxe whippet as apposed to the open crown version which I assume is like the Strats and Stetsonian open crowns.......but I could be wrong about the whippet version of those too....
Ps I have a lot of Stetson hats and even my couple of western hats were not this stiff......was not at all expecting this.....only thing to compare is the Stetson wool hats that are likewise very heavily sized. I have one that I scotch guarded and I wear for really rainy weather. I does shed the rain.....
not to say I told you so ... but ...
LOL.....yes you did.......but I liked the color and was actually pleased with my new royal Strats (which are NOT stiff as a board) and thought I would take a chance. Would have bought the premier whippet but I am not thrilled about the color selection and for some reason they are hard to find, limited selection in my size.... :-(not to say I told you so ... but ...
Perhaps if I wear it around in a driving rain it will soften up......;-)
I am still curious if ALL the standard Royal Deluxe Whippets were made like this or if I got an early crappy production one......
Not a Whippet and not Royal Deluxe but I just picked up a new Chatham and Temple, both are Sovereign. They are very soft felt, not stiff at all. Not quite the same but pretty close to my vintage Lee 20 (in softness, not construction). Bought them as "knock around" hats (hiking, errands,etc.) but could not be happier with how they feel in the hand. Now that I've lived with them (couple weeks) they've upgraded from the intended knock arounds to daily wear / nicer occasion.
The Chatham is pretty close to the the Whippet without a bound edge. Don't know what color your playing with in the whippet but might be worth considering swapping out for a Chatham Sovereign. Just a possible direction. . .
That and the fact their website looks like it was designed by the CEOs 17yr old kid. For a company allegedly steeped in tradition do they really know their core customer?Dont quite know why they change the "quality" nomenclature but my "Sovereign" Whippet from abt 2 years ago is fine. Dense but not stiff like some of my Akubras. Factory bash.
I really detest! all their name changes. Excellent/Premier/Royal/Sovereign etc. etc.
I don't sell very many Whippets so I never paid any attention to the stiffness.
I just went and checked my inventory and found them to be a bit stiff.
Not as stiff as the OR but a bit stiffer than the Royal Deluxe Strats.
I can't say that I found it to be disagreeable.
Bob, you should be a vendor and have to try and explain the changes when they're made.
That and the fact their website looks like it was designed by the CEOs 17yr old kid. For a company allegedly steeped in tradition do they really know their core customer?
We are not their core customer.
Sent directly from my mind to yours.
I dont even bother going there. I dont really care abt current production Stetson. Yes a big open crown Stetsonian and the top of the line Whippets and Strats with open crowns are pretty much their only worthwhile offerings but not in my world for any reason. For that kind of money I'll design my own custom beaver fedoras and get one of our bespoke hatters to make a better quality, nicer hat for equall or less money and Stetson can keep playing the name game all they want.
the NY LE is a wonderful soft hat... really nice.
I just cannot get myself to spend $365 plus shipping on a modern mass produced hat .
Been talking to a place in Minnesota who has them in stock in a couple colors and I'm tempted but…
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I bought this cognac/green Whippet a/c the colors but it certainly isn't vintage/custom felt.
Well, this one is quite a bit stiffer than any felt I have had...including my western..the only comparable is some of Stetson's Wool hats that are also VERY heavily sized. This one was out of this world stiff. I too have both versions of the Strats as well as a Temple and thought them fine, in no way overly sized. This one must just be an anomaly......"it rings when you thump it" about sums up the situation. I actually wondered if I got one of their wool whippets instead of what I ordered, but the numbers check out...the felt seems like fur, but as stiff as it is it is hard to tell...I don't sell very many Whippets so I never paid any attention to the stiffness.
I just went and checked my inventory and found them to be a bit stiff.
Not as stiff as the OR but a bit stiffer than the Royal Deluxe Strats.
I can't say that I found it to be disagreeable.
Bob, you should be a vendor and have to try and explain the changes when they're made.
I do like that combo of colors though. Nice looking hat.![]()
I bought this cognac/green Whippet a/c the colors but it certainly isn't vintage/custom felt.
Qualifies as a OSHA approved hard hat for construction sites?Well, this one is quite a bit stiffer than any felt I have had...including my western..the only comparable is some of Stetson's Wool hats that are also VERY heavily sized. This one was out of this world stiff. I too have both versions of the Strats as well as a Temple and thought them fine, in no way overly sized. This one must just be an anomaly......"it rings when you thump it" about sums up the situation. I actually wondered if I got one of their wool whippets instead of what I ordered, but the numbers check out...the felt seems like fur, but as stiff as it is it is hard to tell...
YES.....,definitely!!! LOL....... I am actually starting to look at this as a hat challenge. Last night I started woring on the brim.....I plan on taking this and steaming the begebers out of it....might come out of this with a better bash!! So, I guess I will keep it and post the results!!Qualifies as a OSHA approved hard hat for construction sites?
Has anyone bought these recently? I'm looking at the Stetson Whippet in Caribou on Delmonico hatter and Amazon, it's only about $150. I'm just afraid it isn't an exact repro and won't have the true vintage shape and design. Anyone have any good pics of this hat from different angles?
Perhaps I'll stop by JJ hat center in the city and check it out in person first.
it is nothing like a Whippet as we know itHas anyone bought these recently? I'm looking at the Stetson Whippet in Caribou on Delmonico hatter and Amazon, it's only about $150. I'm just afraid it isn't an exact repro and won't have the true vintage shape and design. Anyone have any good pics of this hat from different angles?
Perhaps I'll stop by JJ hat center in the city and check it out in person first.
it is nothing like a Whippet as we know it
True, and Roman is right to be skeptical of the shape and design. I have a modern wool felt Whippet as a knockaround hat. Its a Whippet in name only. The proportions are off: the top is too low and the brim is too wide. I trimmed the bound edge off mine, and steamed a diamond bash into the top, to disguise the much-too-perfect factory bash. By removing about 1/4" of brim, the crown and brim are in proper proportion and the hat nicely resembles a vintage piece- at a distance. But it still does not closely resemble a Whippet.
Following up on the previous post-- here's my modern wool "Whippet" after trimming the .4" of edge binding off, and slightly altering the factory bash. Proportions of the hat are now correct for a vintage fedora. Post-modification, its a real good hat for a small frame / narrow face like mine. 2nd pic shows the modded-modern wool "Whippet" (left) compared to a '40s original Whippet (right). The most obvious difference is the higher crown of the original, but close up, its clearly not a replica, just the re-use of a popular name to sell a generic fedora. Also, to get back to the OP, the hat is stiff, much stiffer than the original and will not hold a bash without steam. But I have Western hats that are much stiffer. Bottom line, its a pretty good Fedora for the price, if you remove some of the brim.

Wearing the original Whippet, a hat with attitude. The lower crown of the modern "Whippet" is less showy, which can be an advantage, depending on the situation. I get positive comments and looks when I wear either one.

can I get an interior shot of this one ?
... liner and sweat
Sure. What can you tell me about it?can I get an interior shot of this one ?
... liner and sweat

very nice !!!
looks to be early 50s ... possibly OPS era ?
what is telling me that is a couple things
the stars in the liner crest but the leaf in the sweat crest
the keyhole size tag without "Stetson" on it
also the liner with no plastic tip cover yet.
can you get pictures of the labels under the back of the sweat ?
don't bother if you feel turning the sweat will damage anything ... they are delicate sometimes
Let me know when ya sell that, Uhu
That's how you wear a Whippet. Very nice
I like them both, but day-um Uhu! That 50s version is spectacular.

Modern fur felt Whippet.I bought it for the colors;the quality is really average.
I like the color combo as well Bob, what makes the felt average? Is it too stiff or does it have a poor feel?
I like the color combo as well Bob, what makes the felt average? Is it too stiff or does it have a poor feel?
I've long liked that color combo also, @RJR. Is that a Premiere (open crown)?
Sent directly from my mind to yours.
Moon, the sweat doesn't seem real eager to say "ahh" and reveal its secrets so I'll have to leave it be. I dont have a fur felt version of the modern "Whippet" but I reckon RJR is correct on his grading of the felt. Looks like the back end of the brim doesn't want to hold an up-sweep. I've ordered one out of curiosity and will see what can be done with it. Figure it needs a brim trim and dose of stiffener. Thanks for the feedback!
Yes...I really like that color combo a LOT........I do keep thinking about it......does not seem to be available in the "Premier Whippet" line however. Besides having a 5 1/2 in crown the brim is wider at 2 1/2 in that line (premier). I ordered one from that line in "Natural" as I really like the look of that one. There is a minimum 6 week wait, but it is ordered. Depending on how I like it.......I may order one in Cordoba and Sage.....
Aside from the colors(cognac-green)there isn't a lot to write home about.The felt feels stiff as western,the crown is fairly low and pre creased,the ribbon work had to be redone,etc.Its one of a run sent to JJ Hat Center per Deckard.
Yes...I really like that color combo a LOT........I do keep thinking about it......does not seem to be available in the "Premier Whippet" line however. Besides having a 5 1/2 in crown the brim is wider at 2 1/2 in that line (premier). I ordered one from that line in "Natural" as I really like the look of that one. There is a minimum 6 week wait, but it is ordered. Depending on how I like it.......I may order one in Cordoba and Sage.....
Frankly, I wouldn't touch a new Stetson unless it was Royal Deluxe Quality or above - and open crown.
Frankly, I wouldn't touch a new Stetson unless it was Royal Deluxe Quality or above - and open crown.
Sound policy. Its a shame the new made, mass produced hats are of such poor quality &/or design, yet so widespread. The layman considering a fedora is likely to try one on in a department store, glance in the mirror at the misshapen lump of felt on his head, feel ridiculous, and never want to repeat the experience. And so we lose another potential member of the brotherhood. But who could blame him?
I've got the "Premier Whippet" in hand now... initial reaction: underwhelming. Tall crown like the original, much taller than the wool version, but again the proportions are off. The brim is definitely too wide. Felt feels nice, but it doesn't take a crisp bash like an original. Ribbon is narrower and looks cheap for a "premier" item. But the colors are nice and maybe something can be done with it by trimming the brim and steaming a crisp bash into it.
Moon said it best-- nothing like the Whippet as we know it. Its a shame the designer tried to reinvent the wheel and couldn't just copy what worked.
Yes, I had that same problem with a "tawney" version that started this thread.........mine was VERY stiff. Did end up with a classic dove grey early "Sovereign" version that actually had nice soft thick felt.....is not bad.Aside from the colors(cognac-green)there isn't a lot to write home about.The felt feels stiff as western,the crown is fairly low and pre creased,the ribbon work had to be redone,etc.Its one of a run sent to JJ Hat Center per Deckard.
I was hoping the "Premier Whippet" version would work out....I have 3 of the premier Stratoliners and am very pleased with them......I've got the "Premier Whippet" in hand now... initial reaction: underwhelming. Tall crown like the original, much taller than the wool version, but again the proportions are off. The brim is definitely too wide. Felt feels nice, but it doesn't take a crisp bash like an original. Ribbon is narrower and looks cheap for a "premier" item. But the colors are nice and maybe something can be done with it by trimming the brim and steaming a crisp bash into it.
Moon said it best-- nothing like the Whippet as we know it. Its a shame the designer tried to reinvent the wheel and couldn't just copy what worked.
Its not whippety as-is, but might be fixable. The oversized brim is the main problem, not only inaccurate but looks downright cartoonish on me.
Are there any hatters willing to take a simple job like sewing an edge binding on a raw edge, and return by mail?
Sound policy. Its a shame the new made, mass produced hats are of such poor quality &/or design, yet so widespread. The layman considering a fedora is likely to try one on in a department store, glance in the mirror at the misshapen lump of felt on his head, feel ridiculous, and never want to repeat the experience. And so we lose another potential member of the brotherhood. But who could blame him?
I've got the "Premier Whippet" in hand now... initial reaction: underwhelming. Tall crown like the original, much taller than the wool version, but again the proportions are off. The brim is definitely too wide. Felt feels nice, but it doesn't take a crisp bash like an original. Ribbon is narrower and looks cheap for a "premier" item. But the colors are nice and maybe something can be done with it by trimming the brim and steaming a crisp bash into it.
Moon said it best-- nothing like the Whippet as we know it. Its a shame the designer tried to reinvent the wheel and couldn't just copy what worked.
Well, it's very difficult to find any hat - even customs - that stack up to the quality of vintage hats. From perusing past discussions on the FL, it appears that many of the techniques used to achieve the quality of felt of even a mid-50s hat are either lost or are too expensive to economically produce. I have handled a couple of modern Premiere Whippets, but don't own one. My only points of reference for owning modern Stetsons are a Royal Deluxe Stetsonian and Royal Deluxe Racine (and a slightly older Lamont). Both are very nice felts that take a dry bash pretty well, they are just more substantial and thicker felts than most of my vintage dress hats.
The dimensions, however, match up by my estimation. The Fall 2017 Stetson catalog lists a Whippet with a 5 1/2" open crown and a 2 1/2" bound brim, which are the same dimensions of my mid-50s Royal Stetson Whippet. Can't speak to comparing ribbon widths, though. What are the dimensions of the Whippet you illustrated above?
Agree, the difference between vintage and modern hats is night and day. Which is true for most vintage vs modern things.
Brim on my original 2 3/8ths, brim on my copy is 2 5/8ths. On a wide shouldered fella the discrepancy is probably not gonna make a difference. But on a small frame / narrow face like me, any brim over 2 1/2" starts to look silly unless its a Western hat. Ribbon on original 1 3/4", ribbon on copy 1 1/2" I guess Stetson saves three pennies per hat that way.
To make sure I wasn't imagining things, I put the original Whippet inside the inverted brim of the copy. Not off by much, but enough to annoy purists like me.
I love that crease ... it's as it should beTo make sure I wasn't imagining things, I put the original Whippet inside the inverted brim of the copy. Not off by much, but enough to annoy purists like me.![]()
and my early 40s Whippet has very different dimensions
Crown 5 3/4
brim is a hair under 2 3/4
ribbon is 1 1/2
binding is 3/8
One of my prized possessions right here.
early 40s Vita Felt with embroidered tip

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I love the creases in it too, and its patina. Other than a dusting, that's exactly as I got it, and I'll keep it that way. Your early Whippet is a rare beauty! Its very interesting how the dimensions changed in the years between ours. Has this been documented anywhere on the forum or the web? It would be so great to have this info in one place. When I started with hats, I used 30s-50s Sears catalogs as references for changes in crown heights and brim widths over the years, but data specific to Stetson types is still a mystery to me. Anyway, getting back to the copy, the remake has a 5.5" crown, so its not matching up to either pattern. But can't rule out there is an original that it does match! I assume yours is a 7 1/4, like mine?
This is interesting......,now I do not own an origional Stetson Whippet, but I do have a Stephen L Stetson 1940's clone....,crown is 5 1/2" open, brim is 2 5/8 with 3/8" bound edge (top & bottom). Crown ribbon is 1 7/8.Agree, the difference between vintage and modern hats is night and day. Which is true for most vintage vs modern things.
Brim on my original 2 3/8ths, brim on my copy is 2 5/8ths. On a wide shouldered fella the discrepancy is probably not gonna make a difference. But on a small frame / narrow face like me, any brim over 2 1/2" starts to look silly unless its a Western hat. Ribbon on original 1 3/4", ribbon on copy 1 1/2" I guess Stetson saves three pennies per hat that way.![]()
As for the original "Stetson" Whippets I have seen 2 1/2, 2 5/8 brims, and even a 50's model with a 2 7/8......they seem to very like the "Open Road" model. Not sure I have ever seen one less than 2 1/2, but am sure they probebly made one.
Now....the dimensions of my fur felt modern factory bashed modern Whippet is the aforementioned 4" to top of dent, probebly would set out to around a 5" open crown....and more taper than I like.........brim is a "hair" over 2 3/8 with a 3/8 bound edge top & bottom. Has only a 1 1/2 inch crown ribbon......(which is one of my biggest complaints with the modern Stetsons, they make ALL the ribbons about a 1/4 inch too narrow.....except for the Open Roads and Strats).
Any way....Cheers,
BEAUTIFUL MOON!!! Very simular to the Stephen L I have.......except the wind trolley was lost on mine, only the short end of the cord remains.One of my prized possessions right here.
early 40s Vita Felt with embroidered tip
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it's all documented here ... somewhereI love the creases in it too, and its patina. Other than a dusting, that's exactly as I got it, and I'll keep it that way. Your early Whippet is a rare beauty! Its very interesting how the dimensions changed in the years between ours. Has this been documented anywhere on the forum or the web? It would be so great to have this info in one place. When I started with hats, I used 30s-50s Sears catalogs as references for changes in crown heights and brim widths over the years, but data specific to Stetson types is still a mystery to me. Anyway, getting back to the copy, the remake has a 5.5" crown, so its not matching up to either pattern. But can't rule out there is an original that it does match! I assume yours is a 7 1/4, like mine?
yes 7 1/4
Link to vintage Stetson Whippet thread here:
Best, Eric -
I am prompted to re read this thread. I have a new covet passion obsession about owning a Whippet. Not that I have $700 to spend on one from Ebay. I do have a new itch.Link to vintage Stetson Whippet thread here:
Best, Eric -
I love the creases in it too, and its patina. Other than a dusting, that's exactly as I got it, and I'll keep it that way. Your early Whippet is a rare beauty! Its very interesting how the dimensions changed in the years between ours. Has this been documented anywhere on the forum or the web? It would be so great to have this info in one place. When I started with hats, I used 30s-50s Sears catalogs as references for changes in crown heights and brim widths over the years, but data specific to Stetson types is still a mystery to me. Anyway, getting back to the copy, the remake has a 5.5" crown, so its not matching up to either pattern. But can't rule out there is an original that it does match! I assume yours is a 7 1/4, like mine?
As I posted earlier, the dimensions of my mid-50s Whippet are identical to the modern Premiere Whippets (5 1/2 x 2 1/2). So the new ones aren't dimensionally inconsistent with at least one version of vintage.
Sent directly from my mind to yours.
I am prompted to re read this thread. I have a new covet passion obsession about owning a Whippet. Not that I have $700 to spend on one from Ebay. I do have a new itch.
They're out there. Just takes patience and luck. Lots of luck.
Sent directly from my mind to yours.
Took me years to find one at a antique shop.Then I found another at a flea market.Good luck.They're out there. Just takes patience and luck. Lots of luck.
Sent directly from my mind to yours.
I've been looking for one of those forever, as well as for a Playboy, a Wanderer, a Strat,....I gave up. A couple of life saving surgeries from about four years ago depleted me financially and I can't afford to bid against people on ebay for one. Having to take an early retirement at 62 and working part time operating a Reach Truck in a Warehouse doesn't give me many advantages either, plus my wife is going blind in one eye and she's going to need surgery. But! They're on my Bucket List!
...and hat tools! I need hat tools! I have them on my bucket list, too! I can't afford them. But, they're on my list anyway!
Check with Lounger Bond.Its not whippety as-is, but might be fixable. The oversized brim is the main problem, not only inaccurate but looks downright cartoonish on me.
Are there any hatters willing to take a simple job like sewing an edge binding on a raw edge, and return by mail?
I tried on a modern Stetson Whippet at my Haberdasher yesterday. Nice hat, $180, but it just wasn't "all that" for me. I think he ordered my size in Silverbelly to taunt me. The overall dimensions just seemed not quite right vs a vintage Whippet. A little on the stiff side also. I fantasize that a 50s version would be more soft and have the hand I'm wanting. Oh, the life of a hat addict...
Agree Red. There is something "off" about it. No matter how I've bashed the repro, side by side with the original there's no comparison. My first impression led me to think the dimensions are the problem, but after the input above, and more handling, I think the felt is the issue. It feels nice, looks OK, but it doesn't behave like vintage felt. More like suede leather. I haven't hit it with steam yet, that might help.
It occurred to me that- at the list price of $180 for the repro- one could buy a non-Whippet vintage fedora and have something much more closely (maybe exactly) resembling an original!
It occurred to me that- at the list price of $180 for the repro- one could buy a non-Whippet vintage fedora and have something much more closely (maybe exactly) resembling an original!
Yup. Or be well on the way to a custom.
Sent directly from my mind to yours.
The clones of the 50s are also a good possibility. They show up from time to time, and are not going for astronomical prices on Ebay. I need a Whippet, clone or real, I just need...It occurred to me that- at the list price of $180 for the repro- one could buy a non-Whippet vintage fedora and have something much more closely (maybe exactly) resembling an original!
50s era clones are great, look great and, even on eBay, price reflects quality. I like reproductions, in theory, because I can wear 'em worry free. Should one blow away and get run over by a truck, Amazon will sell me another one just like it.
Welp, quit work early today to try and see if I could steam the repro "premier" open crown Whippet into something that looks like a vintage Whippet ... and got nowhere at all, looks just the same as dry creasing. In my opinion, the felt is too thick and springy to mimic the crisp creasing that gave the jaunty shape and character to originals.
Speculation on my part, but I think Stetson wanted to market this hat as a "premier" item, and so selected what they consider a "premier" felt, thick, durable and pleasant to the touch. Leathery felt like this is probably great for the Western hats that Stetson specializes in, but no good at all for this application.
Besides the un-Whippet-like shape, the dimensions are too much hat for a 5'8" 150LB fella with a narrow face. It looks like an exotic lampshade on me, but might work well on a bigger guy. I guess I could try some nuclear options like drenching the cap in water etc., but I think I'll just toss it in the back of the closet and forget about it a while. In the meantime, it would be great to see if a Lounger with more than my limited experience can make something of this lid!
Welp, quit work early today to try and see if I could steam the repro "premier" open crown Whippet into something that looks like a vintage Whippet ... and got nowhere at all, looks just the same as dry creasing. In my opinion, the felt is too thick and springy to mimic the crisp creasing that gave the jaunty shape and character to originals.
Speculation on my part, but I think Stetson wanted to market this hat as a "premier" item, and so selected what they consider a "premier" felt, thick, durable and pleasant to the touch. Leathery felt like this is probably great for the Western hats that Stetson specializes in, but no good at all for this application.
Besides the un-Whippet-like shape, the dimensions are too much hat for a 5'8" 150LB fella with a narrow face. It looks like an exotic lampshade on me, but might work well on a bigger guy. I guess I could try some nuclear options like drenching the cap in water etc., but I think I'll just toss it in the back of the closet and forget about it a while. In the meantime, it would be great to see if a Lounger with more than my limited experience can make something of this lid!
I understand the frustration of working with thick felt, but it can be done. The tea kettle's probably not going to put out enough steam like a professional hat steamer to accomplish the crease you want, especially with thicker felt. I dabble in converting western hats to fedoras, (talk about thick).
I get my hats damp, (but not soaked), with water from a spray bottle. You only want to get your hat damp enough to mold it. Here's a couple of hats I did that way. Anyone familiar with Resistol Stagecoaches can tell how thick the felt is on those....your modern Whippet's not going to be as thick as these Resistols

Thanks T Jones! I've admired your conversion work on the forum, I think your methods might work on this thing!
I hope everybody is doing well and I am sure this has been discussed here in the lounge before but I'm in need of some guidance. I would really love to have a "Stetson Whippet" and have been looking around and I'm ready to go but I was hoping that someone that has a modern Stetson could give me some advice.
From the postings that I have read, there are a lot of mixed feelings about the quality of a modern whippet and before dropping the $200 on a fur felt one, I hoping to hear some thoughts from anybody that currently has one.
The modern Whippet was faithfully reproduced by Matt Deckard, who sometimes still pops in these parts. The current Royal Deluxe felt is pretty good and in general has a softer, more plush feel than say, Akubra.
That having been said, some custom hatters are priced competitively with Stetson and that will probably be a better quality hat.
Even though modern Stetsons have little connection to the historical John B. Stetson company, I understand the appeal of the Stetson branding, so I say go for it if that's what you want.
Hey Jlee,
Thanks for getting back with me, I really appreciate it. I think I'm going to go for it and thanks again for the help. Since I have never had one how will it fit compared to a fitted ball cap? I wear a 7 3/8 fitted ball cap, should I get the same size in the whippet?
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