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LW Moose hide LT/A and J-24


I'll Lock Up
Guys, i have reached the peak of the mountain.
Since discovering LW i felt like i was walking the crest, looking for the highest peak to settle on, and this is it, i have no more up to get to...

This project started in January 2021, when @red devil told me he was going to order his own custom batch of moose hide from Finland and have it shipped to LW in NYC, he wanted to know if i was interrested.
As you can imagine, i was...
We took a few weeks to convince Stuart, then a few weeks to decide on the colour, we settled on Anthracite grey and decided to go for unprinted hides in their thickest leather 2-2.2mm (5oz).
We originally where going to go for 50sq/m, but RD got carried away, they offered to process all of their remaining hides in that colour, he said "yes please" and we ended up ordering 70sq/m.

The logic behind ordering so much was that we had been told that moose being a wild hunted animal would have a hide with a lot of markings and damage, and Stuart was expecting to have a lot of wastage on the cutting table.

The hides took around 6 months to be processed and shipped, and by mid July they had reached NYC safely.
Upon opening and checking them Stuart told us that we had been extremely lucky, the hides where mostly perfect, with far less marks than what he was expecting.
He said the hides where much cleaner than the ones he originally bought years ago in green and blue.
That meant we had enough leather for maybe 10 jackets total rather than the 6 we had originally hoped for. Good news!

It only took a few days for me to decide which jackets i wanted to order first, my two favourites LW makes...

J-24: 4.1kg/ 9.1lb




LT/A: 3.8kg / 8.4lb




The LT has these super cool swivel Talon zippers.
I asked Stuart for more info but he didn't have any, he said he found them years ago, couldn't remember where, had no idea what they where originally intended for, said he had only seen these once and bought all of them on the spot.

I posted this in another thread but here it is again:

I thought i would also take a pic showing the difference between this Anthracite grey and the more traditional navy and black HH that LW uses:

Navy on the left, Anthracite in the middle and black on the right:


It's weird, because when you don't have a frame of reference the grey can really take a life of its own, it goes from black to very deep blue to grey depending on the light.
It is a very nice colour.

Now, time for a few fit pics:




The J-24 fits like a freaking glove.
It's so nicely fitted, it feels like wearing a weighted neoprene suite, it's a very nice sensation.
It really gives you a heavy blanket feel, it is soft and cozy, there is nothing else like it.
The leather is smooth to the touch, almost like a very soft suede. The top coat is super thin and matte, no shine, no reflections whatsoever.




The LT/A is ever so slightly more roomy, it's also a really nice fit.
It doesn't look as good open as the J-24, but that's how the pattern is, it is more bell shaped and has a tendency to flop open.
My HH one used to to that a lot when it was new, but as it broke in it started hanging better when worn open, i wonder how this one will break in?

Keep in mind that neither of these jackets was worn at all, whereas all my usual pictures are taken post break in. For these two i wanted "brand new" pics to be able to have a point of reference to compare once they are broken in.

All in all i couldn't be happier, i really feel that these two are the finest jackets i own, they are both spectacular to look at and incredible to wear. I have no regrets.
The only problem i have is choosing the next model i want to have done it that hide!
Right now i am thinking an unlined National racer and maybe a Ryder?

RD has also picked his jackets and let me tell you he has gone wild!
I very much look forward to the pics of what he has incoming...


I'll Lock Up
I would go for a longer coat, probably a leather peacoat. In such a hide it'd look killer!

I considered that, but i don't think i will for three reasons:

I already have a moose peacoat in forest green that is amazing
I don't really wear long coats as much as i do shorter jackets. I really much prefer jackets that stop at the belt line.
The grey moose is so thick a peacoat made from it would most likely weigh a ton. The green one weighs 3.3kg/ 7.2lb, and that hide is much MUCH thinner than the grey one (maybe 3.5-4oz).




TLW '90

Practically Family
That LT/A is one of the nicest looking cross zip jackets I've ever seen.
I'm not much into the biker type cross Zip jacket as something I would wear but they are an undeniable classic , and that is an extremely clean classy looking example.

I haven't seen a lot of them, but still I have seen enough on this forum to have opinions I suppose.


I'll Lock Up
East Java
congrats man! leather looks super thick and juicy, fit when zipped looks great, perhaps the open look will have to wait for the leather to break in and drape a bit, cant wait to see what RD shows, and how the evolution of it once worn a bit, I also like the back looks very clean when worn.


Practically Family
The Rock 'n Roll Capital
Thanks for the great/pic heavy write up. I love the j-24. You really nailed the fit again on that one. I am eager to see how the moose will age. I am GUESSING it will age like goat?? Do you think it will show wear and crease in the sleeves? Will it repel or absorb water? Glad you are pleased with the outcome. And coming in at over 9lbs!


Call Me a Cab
What a great story from beginning to end. Everything worked out perfectly.
The jackets are mint!!. The fit is perfect and they look great on you!!
Could you describe what the leather feels like When you hold it in your hands? How does it compare to horse And steer ?
Also, hats off to Lost Worlds for taking on this challenge. The craftsmanship on these jackets shines through!
It will be very interesting to see how these jackets break in.
Job well done!!


I'll Lock Up
Thanks for the great/pic heavy write up. I love the j-24. You really nailed the fit again on that one. I am eager to see how the moose will age. I am GUESSING it will age like goat?? Do you think it will show wear and crease in the sleeves? Will it repel or absorb water? Glad you are pleased with the outcome. And coming in at over 9lbs!

I don't know yet, the peacoat was second hand and has been worn and it doesn't show much creasing.
But then it was never worn on a bike, now that i have "before pics" i am goint to wear it when riding and see what happens.
I think it will age more like deerskin, the top coat rubs off quite easily.
It doesn't repel water as well as regular leather, it is far more porous. I wouldn't say it absorbs water like a sponge, but i wouldn't expect it to keep me dry as long as the regular LW HH.

What a great story from beginning to end. Everything worked out perfectly.
The jackets are mint!!. The fit is perfect and they look great on you!!
Could you describe what the leather feels like When you hold it in your hands? How does it compare to horse And steer ?
Also, hats off to Lost Worlds for taking on this challenge. The craftsmanship on these jackets shines through!
It will be very interesting to see how these jackets break in.
Job well done!!

The hand is very similar to deerskin, but denser and thicker with less stretch.
Even though it is IMO denser than deer it is still a pretty spongy leather when compared to horse or steer, it has a lot more springiness to it.
To the touch it feels very different to horse and steer in the sens that it has no rigidity whatsoever, it feels like a heavy blanket.
The surface touch is like a naked leather, it doesn't have a plasticky topcoat or any kind of waxiness, it just feels smooth like freshly sanded wood.

Edit: Forgot to mention it has zero squeek which almost feels weird considering how big and thick it is.
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Wow man!! Love the color. Looks much more gray, especially in your fit pics. It does seem to absorb light, rather than reflect it. A true matte gray, rather than most gray, which leans toward silver. Fits are superb as expected. Man 9lbs is no joke. Don’t tell hh. 6oz hide just got bumped down to mid-weight. LOL. Well done!

Canuck Panda

I'll Lock Up
That moose hide is something very special. Lots of work and patience went into the making of these jackets. They should be included in the next Leather Jacket book reprint. I’ve never seen moose hide that clean. Well done.
Probably a good idea to keep some square footage of that hide for future kidney belt or small repairs.
How about another Buco?


Call Me a Cab
Fortune favors the bold. Congrats on taking a big financial risk (not to mention time and effort spent making all the arrangements) and having it pay dividends. You truly have one of a kind pieces built at the highest standard.


Call Me a Cab
Spectacular jackets, Carlos!

What a journey! I buy and wear jackets, but guys like yourself, RD, Navetsea take this hobby to the next Level.

I would second the idea of a Ryder in that hide. It’s such a versatile pattern, and in its simplicity the hide will do all the talking.

red devil

My Mail is Forwarded Here
It is safe to say that these jackets exceeded our expectations!

This has been something in my mind since my first moose hide jacket the two tone trojan, and it has been on @Carlos840 mind since he first saw that jacket. So it is probably not that surprising that it happened the way it did.

I would go for a longer coat, probably a leather peacoat. In such a hide it'd look killer!

Very fair point, my first jacket in this hide is a longer style, mainly because I could with such a clean hide, and also because it will be a fun jacket. I think I will have some good pics to post early this week :)

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