@Mythic, your coat looks great.What's your size, I mean your actual chest measurement?
Here are some of my overcoats. The rightmost in the collage is an Ulster in the 30s-40s sense of the word.
- Starting from the left, #1 and #2: early 20s, narrow shoulder
- #3 and #4: early/mid 30s, narrow shoulder but with the shoulder seam running differently, plus hourglass cut
- #5: CC41, shoulders have more built-up and are beginning to get wider
- #6: the military-type CD Greatcoat, 1952
- #7: 1948 dated Lampaka belted back Ulster by Howard Clothes (currently for sale in the Classifieds, size c. 37-39)
Another Ulster, a 1937 dated belted back Ulster with reverse pleated back by Stein Bloch, grey check with blue overcheck:
A similar 20s model:
1924. Washington, D.C., Alfred Stern, director of Washington's first radio exposition