For the basics (most of you have likely already read the following link):
I know we often harp on about how 'inaccurate' the modern USAF A-2 is, so what would YOU have done when it was decided to reissue the legendary A-2 in the late 1980's. Some options for you all to consider:
1. Don't reissue the A-2 at all.
---a. This could entail no changes to the USAF uniform lineup
---b. Or, you could start from scratch and design a brand new jacket not based on the A-2 at all
2. Go with what they picked
---a. Originally this was by Cooper
---b. Later by other manufacturers
---c. This is seal goatskin with a roomy fit
---d. Patches are velcroed (only nametag and major command allowed)
---e. Jackets aren't allowed to be painted
3. Update the jacket
---a. This could entail inside pockets
---b. This also could entail 'handwarmers'
---c. Apparently, something like this was done in the 90's
4. High quality jacket but not reproducing a specific contract
---a. This would be akin to one of Eastman's own label jackets
5. Extremely accurate repro.
---a. Do you pick a single contract or use multiple original contracts to reproduce?
---b. Horsehide or goatskin?
---c. Seal or russett in color?
---d. Big drawback would be the cost
---e. Would you allow patches to be sewn/painted on?
---f. Would you allow nose art to be painted on?
6. Hybrid of above or something else altogether?
Personally, I would have liked to see some horsehide A-2 jackets on our modern USAF flyers, if only horsehide could be obtained at a reasonable price. I understand the AF wanting uniformity in all of the modern jackets, but we all know that the differences in originals show character. Same goes for nose art, patches, etc. I guess really it boils down to cost. Even so, I'm sure there are a few USAF pilots out there who have 'private purchased' a repro from one of the top-tier manufacturers.
I'd like some of your input on all of this. You may say that the AF will never change its mind, but we can hope! Also, if the US Army ever decides to reissue the A-2 to its helicopter pilots, these are all relavant questions. After all, in many ways the Army chopper pilot is just as much a descendant of the USAAF flyer as is his USAF conterpart.
Edited for spelling
I know we often harp on about how 'inaccurate' the modern USAF A-2 is, so what would YOU have done when it was decided to reissue the legendary A-2 in the late 1980's. Some options for you all to consider:
1. Don't reissue the A-2 at all.
---a. This could entail no changes to the USAF uniform lineup
---b. Or, you could start from scratch and design a brand new jacket not based on the A-2 at all
2. Go with what they picked
---a. Originally this was by Cooper
---b. Later by other manufacturers
---c. This is seal goatskin with a roomy fit
---d. Patches are velcroed (only nametag and major command allowed)
---e. Jackets aren't allowed to be painted
3. Update the jacket
---a. This could entail inside pockets
---b. This also could entail 'handwarmers'
---c. Apparently, something like this was done in the 90's
4. High quality jacket but not reproducing a specific contract
---a. This would be akin to one of Eastman's own label jackets
5. Extremely accurate repro.
---a. Do you pick a single contract or use multiple original contracts to reproduce?
---b. Horsehide or goatskin?
---c. Seal or russett in color?
---d. Big drawback would be the cost
---e. Would you allow patches to be sewn/painted on?
---f. Would you allow nose art to be painted on?
6. Hybrid of above or something else altogether?
Personally, I would have liked to see some horsehide A-2 jackets on our modern USAF flyers, if only horsehide could be obtained at a reasonable price. I understand the AF wanting uniformity in all of the modern jackets, but we all know that the differences in originals show character. Same goes for nose art, patches, etc. I guess really it boils down to cost. Even so, I'm sure there are a few USAF pilots out there who have 'private purchased' a repro from one of the top-tier manufacturers.
I'd like some of your input on all of this. You may say that the AF will never change its mind, but we can hope! Also, if the US Army ever decides to reissue the A-2 to its helicopter pilots, these are all relavant questions. After all, in many ways the Army chopper pilot is just as much a descendant of the USAAF flyer as is his USAF conterpart.
Edited for spelling