I am becoming frustrated. I have a collection of Resistol Stagecoach westerns. The felt on these old hats is great - I have several - but the black one (and only the black one) insists on running dye whenever it gets stuck in the rain. The others can be soaked in rain or shower-reshaped at whim and leave no trace behind. But the black one has stained my clothes and anything else it drips on. I also put a bound edge on this particular hat, and the petersham is now seemingly permanently darker as the color has run through it, which is obnoxious.
I recently reblocked this particular hat and am looking forward to reshaping it from scratch, but before I do so, I want to get it to stop bleeding. Is this possible at all?
I have soaked it in a running shower for literally hours, thinking the color would stop eventually. And while the dye running down the drain seems to have lessened somewhat, it's still a coming. And I mean hours.
What else can I do? Wash it with detergent?
I recently reblocked this particular hat and am looking forward to reshaping it from scratch, but before I do so, I want to get it to stop bleeding. Is this possible at all?
I have soaked it in a running shower for literally hours, thinking the color would stop eventually. And while the dye running down the drain seems to have lessened somewhat, it's still a coming. And I mean hours.
What else can I do? Wash it with detergent?