My choice would be Badalassi or CXL Steer for standard Highwayman. I like the structured look of a heavier hide for that jacket. For a Premier cut, my fav is Bada or Vicenza. As for Vicenza and the graining… I’ve only owned beautiful grainy Vicenza in the blackened brown color. I was not really impressed with the dark seal or straight black that I’ve owned as far as interesting grain. I think that my current blackened brown Vic J100 is the prettiest hide I have in my closet.It’s realy about the look you want to achieve.
Heavy CXL FQHH is pretty much the quintessential Aero hide. It has a deep shine, has a heft like hardly any other leather and looks very worthy. On the downside it’s stiff, absolutely non-breathable and patinas very quickly.
For me, Badalassi is the polar opposite in Aeros lineup. Very shiny, almost lacquered, looks very luxurious where CXL looks butch. I haven’t yet seen a lot of patina on a Badalassi jacket.
Both work well, and it’s not possible, IMO, to pick “the better” hide.
For versatility, Vicenza may be a real alternative. A bit thinner than the other too, but still far from thin or light. Personally, I never had much luck with the grain, but there are many fans of the hide in these parts, and I am sure for good reason.
Personally: the HWM is such a classic design. For my first one, CXL FQHH would be my choice.