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Hats and Drinks - A Match Made in Heaven

Short Balding Guy

I'll Lock Up
Minnesota, USA
Good evening. I got home and chilled out in the 40'f (4'c) temps sipping a standard Surley Pilsner. Relaxed and chilled was the result.

Continuing with a "Man with a Dram": After a dinner of miso soup and mushroom flatbread I wished to sip a whisky. Sitting down in a deck chair to enjoy the 95% moon I poured a small dram of Kilchoman Sanaig. The taste of light peat, pepper and fruity sherry taste is enjoyable tonight. I have not sampled the Kilchpman Machir Bay. I watched Whiskey Tribe and Ralphy (87 under new marking system) and purchased this under their advise. I do enjoy this whisky.


Cheers, Eric -
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Short Balding Guy

I'll Lock Up
Minnesota, USA
Good evening. Arriving home this evening I enjoyed a Bauhaus Wonderstuff. The Wonderstuff is a Bohemian-style pilsner. It’s malty and rich, finishes crisp and is enjoyable. Complex in that it has a lemon, pineapple and a sweet wine hints. For a 5.1% ABV pilsner this is very drinkable.

Continuing a Man with a Dram; I followed the light Bauhaus pilsner with a small dram of Glen Rothes Makers Mark. This is a dry sherry cask aged whisky. This does not have an age statement. I picked this up a couple of years ago in order to compare it to a Arbolour A'Bundh. This whiskey is 48%ABV. The first sips highlight the dry sherry and as I finish the small dram it leaves a honey with dry spice tastes. This is a terrific dry sherry whisky when you do not wish for a lot of complexity of tastes. I have had a couple of other Glen Rothes and this bottle retains the distillers flavor profile that I have in my notes. I believe that a Glenronach 12 would be a cheaper alternative to this whisky which has risen in price in my neighborhood.

I enjoyed sipping the Glen Rothes Makers Mark.


The best whisky is the one you like.

Cheers, Eric -


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