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Ghost stories please..

Evan Everhart

A-List Customer
Hollywood, California
Part 2.

I say that the shadow men hunted me because they followed me to my aunt's house and attacked me there too. The attack at my aunt's house occurred after the events at my own house. I was in Los Osos for a relative's wake. Most of the family was there, I was younger and got a less than luxurious accommodation; the floor of my cousin's room. I went to sleep in the corner, far away from the bed. I awoke and was stretched out straight with only my head pointing towards where I'd laid down and with my feet pointed at the bed even though I'd been sleeping with my whole body curled up in the fetal position. I woke up later in the evening farther towards the bed with my ankles underneath it which frightened me even more-so at which I curled even farther into the corner after having gone across the hall to the restroom to splash my face with cold water. Once again, later even in the evening, I awoke to find myself under the bed, but this time I knew what it was as I was experiencing the same sensation of having something stuffed into my mouth to prevent my making any sound whatsoever and which barely allowed my even being able to breath as if a gag had been shoved into my mouth, the same as when I was attacked by the shadow man and the incorporeal thing which were the same. I was horribly aware of my being pulled forcibly under the bed and what was even more aware of the fact (and this is the Most terrifying and inexplicable of it to me, I am only about 5' 7" or so but the bed which I was being pulled under, was only a single sized bed and I should only roughly have been able to be pulled under it while laying perpendicular to it as I was, roughly to mid thigh) I however was up to my chin beneath the bed and being pulled farther as I tried to scream. The wall was on the other side of the bed so that if I had been pulled that far, it would have been into the wall. I finally managed to get a yelp out of my mouth and then the pulling and gagging stopped and I scrabbled out backwards from under the bed and threw my pants on and was gone within the hour.

The oddness of my house goes back into my youth as well, as I recall when I was younger and only my grandfather was home with me, we would sit watching the television and sometimes, I would hear what sounded like squelchy boots coming down the hall and I would look, and there would never be anything there and the carpets were always dry and there were no pets then either. Also, the day I left to go to my grandfather's funeral, I was the last out the door and closing it behind me when I heard a tea-pot whistle and I went in to investigate worried about someone having left on a fire on the stove, but it was not on and the tea-kettles were all cold. My grandfather always used to make tea. Another time, I remember I was sitting in the living-room when I heard what sounded like a horrible soul wrenching sorrowful wail almost on the edge of hearing, like a weeping wail emanate from the fireplace in the corner of my living-room. It is the most sad sound I have ever heard in my entire life. It sounded like a little girl pleading, pleading so she didn't even speak, just wailed. Another time, when standing in the entry hall which looks directly into the kitchen door, my friend and I saw a man approach the refrigerator from the direction of the kitchen hallway which leads to the backdoor to the house and he was about 30, ash-blond hair and glasses and a crew cut with a white shirt and a tie on. He walked up to the refrigerator and looked in and walked back to the backdoor. My friend and I looked at one another and said "Did you SEE THAT?!" we both nodded and rushed to the back door; it was still locked with it's slide bolt which can only be locked from the inside and there is no other way out of the room. I performed a minor exorcism and several blessings upon my house and most of the oddities ceased for a while, although anyone not sleeping in my bedroom which used to be my aunt's is prone to nightmares and intense sluggishness no matter what they do and the back of the hallway is still inexplicably Dark no matter what is done, even when a flash-light is shined upon the back hallway, the light appears somehow dimmer, even when it is pitch black outside. The back hallway is also the main element and subject of most of the nightmares which anyone who sleeps in the living-room suffers from (I Never tell anyone about the dreams because it usually frightens them off). So far, five people have had similar experiences with the back hallway namely the back and there being a doorway there, either black or made of flowing solid blood or flames or of a doorway with the door a crack open and something horrible beyond, which they cannot explain. In my brother Kevin's dream, he dreamed that he saw a doorway there and that his fiance who was sleeping next to him zipped to the neck in a sleeping-bag attacked him in some daemoniac fury and when he awoke, she was still zipped up, but his back was bleeding profusely with gouges all across it. I have had nightmares of a doorway in the back hallway since I can remember. There is a small room or something; a space behind that area where the doorway lies in the dreams. I found it one evening with a some people after they had spent the night and were unsettled and wanted to see what was there. We looked and there is no roof panel over the heater which is also set in that wall and you can see over the back paneling and there is a small "space" back there. Couldn't make out anything though, even with flash-lights, there was too much dust floating about.

Evan Everhart

A-List Customer
Hollywood, California
Part 3.

My family in general has had problems of this sort for years though, at my grandfather's old house there was comparable and worse and while at another aunt's house, I have awoken to a black swirling vortex over my bed. Also, my aunt (my father's sister who would have the experiences with the native-American wind man) my uncle, and my father have all mentioned a "hag" following them and gloating and tittering at them, starting at this house and following them at least to the first apartment which they got for themselves after leaving home. I saw the hag too, she appeared, wearing grayish rags, hunched shouldered, arms bent at the elbow hands up in front of her, wiggling her fingers, finger tips touching and face gloating, cooing, and tittering and seemed to sort of fade away into nothingness from below the elbows. The worst part was that this occurred in the shower while I was washing my hair. I had a sudden feeling of being watched and felt sick and turned around and there she was in the shower with me, I blinked, and then gone. Another time, I was home alone after classes and taking a shower once again, when I began to hear a shrieking screaming wail outside the door,which was being banged on so forcibly, that I saw the old hollow ply-wood door bulging inward with it. The bangs on the door were very singular too, it was done in three sets of three, 1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3, then it stopped as my family came home, the front door of the house opened and I heard them saying "Hi! We're Home!", just as the last blow struck upon the door. Another time, I was lying in bed during the winter with the blankets pulled up and tight up to my neck for warmth, and there was a mirror which I'd found lying about and had propped against the bookshelf opposite my bed until I could hang it properly. Anyway, I awoke to see my reflection in the mirror look at my with a weird soulless malevolence, pull the covers down of itself, sit up, put its feet on the floor, and then place its elbows on its knees and interlock its fingers and leer at me with one of the most disturbing smiles I've ever seen. I was terrified and chilled, and then I blinked and it was gone and I was still tucked in. Another time, I was lying in bed when I awakened to see the upper shoulders and head of a human-esque being lean out and over me through the wall from the back bedroom that is so creepy, and it said a word to me, that when I asked my aunt about it, she said never to repeat that word, that it was evil and was something from an evil book that my grandmother saw one time many years before. There is no possible way whatsoever that I could have ever heard this bizarre outre word even with my extensive reading program....So yeah, plus, my pronunciation is even more bizarre, because it was the way that the word was supposed to be pronounced in the very old language that it was written in originally. Oh, and the thing that said the word, its voice, when it spoke sounded like a growling animal speaking human words. Shortly after that, I performed the final exorcism on the house according to the Catholic Right of Exorcism, it was quite dramatic, and the roof quivered a bit, shook even, and the lights flickered in my father's old room and office (his office had been my grandmother's bedroom and office before the divorce, and the room that scared my dog).

Evan Everhart

A-List Customer
Hollywood, California
Final notes; the original house that my family lived in, in LA, that's my grandfather (whose house I inherited), his wife (my grandmother), my aunt, father, and uncle, was also horribly haunted from what I've seen and what my aunt and father have said. The house twice had gas turn on by itself and almost kill everyone in the house, objects would vanish only to appear again in plain sight, doors would unaccountably lock, the toilet would flush in the middle of the night and the handle would jiggle, just to be sure, but no one would be there....Murmuring would be heard at most hours, and my grandfather who was an extraordinarily good gardener couldn't get the fruit tree in back to produce fruit, it always looked dead though it was not, until the day that they were leaving the house for the last time and moving to their new home, when the tree bloomed and fruited wholly and completely despite being about six months out of season....Also, grandfather's mezuzah which he would hang from the door-frame of the back patio would continually fall despite the nail still being there and the holes on the thing being intact and there being no way it could have fallen, this continued until one day he was trying to put it back up but walked into the middle of the small backyard (which had a concrete floor in the center which was about 15' x 15', he accidentally dropped the mezuzah, and it never hit the ground, it vanished. There was nowhere that it could have gone, but it was never seen again. Also, when I was younger, I was near that house in the van with my aunt and cousins; when my cousin Arthur saw the house (and he had never seen it before and she hadn't told us that was the house), he pointed at it, looked terrified and started vomiting uncontrollably for about five minutes till he passed out. My Aunt says that house was evil and that every night that she slept there in all the years that she lived there, she had a "waking nightmare" that someone broke in through the window, held a pistol to the side of her head, and pulled the trigger and then she'd have a head-ache. She's not an excitable woman either, very prolix actually.
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Evan Everhart

A-List Customer
Hollywood, California
My parents owned an old farmhouse from the late 1700's. At first they would hear footsteps on occasion coming from upstairs, yet when they went to look, no one was ever there. After a while, they went into the attic, and opened a closet where they had put some old suits of my father's, and found an old wedding dress in there that they hadn't seen before. They removed the dress from the closet several times, but it always re-appeared in that closet. They eventually sold the house in favor of something they could manage better, getting on in their years, but they still talk about the ghost of the farmhouse.

Cool Story sir! It rather reminds me of Beetlejuice. Haha! Very interesting though! It would have been interesting to lock that dress up in a room with a camera on it and see how long it took and actually HOW it ended up back in the closet!


Call Me a Cab
Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England
First up I gotta say I don't believe in any of this sort of things..........however here's something I'd share with you, completely true as relayed to me by people I'd known for years and other VERY trustworthy health proffesionals male and female.

A few years ago I worked in a care home/medium secure unit, it consisted of several buildings the main one was the admin /office /training centre which only had one /occasionaly two 'clients'......everything was ok then one late afternoon I went to put some money in the petty cash tin in the office, on entering through one of the access doors I felt the hair on my neck stand up and had a bizarre feeling of being watched from the left hand side, I shrugged it off and sorted the cash out walked back out of the building locked it up returned to my 'unit' said nothing(I'd already forgotten it!) at shift end I went on holiday for 2 weeks.

On returning to site after holiday at my first shift hand over on entering the staff room there was a 'buzz' around something so I hung the tab on(listened in).....one of the guys (an ex RSM of 26 years)it appeared had had the exact same experience in the same place! I said nothing at the time......over the next few weeks several more stories came forward some clients no longer felt comfortable in their rooms and staff heard things on night shift!
One night myself and a colleague on waking nights heard a little girl? crying outside the house, there were no children on site due to the nature of the clients! it wasn't a fox or any other animal as myself and colleague were/are country type guys who shot and hunted and knew about British wildlife.

Stories came and went, a female staff member(office/admin) said she'd heard a child crying several times and she even went early a few times due to it the site was empty at the time!

It appeared that when the buildings were converted that one builder felt he was being pushed out of a loft window he was refurbishing, he refused to finish the job and walked off site a week or two later, the area I felt ill at ease in according to the builder had a staircase /landing to the left side that had been removed.

I knew previously that it had been a 'fever'(TB,scarlet fever et al) hospital and soldiers had been sent there suffering from the Spanish flu just after WW1.
Sadly after some research things came to light, it started out in early Victorian times as a home for fallen women/young girls in the family way, some children/babies died and were alledgedly buried at the bottom of the wooded area at the bottom of the site, some were on site for a while before being 'adopted out' one client had a metal detector and we found allsorts of stuff(old brass door handles etc) in there including many,many broken and discarded pot doll parts from the Victorian era!

It got so bad they got a guy in who detected spirits, to the best of my knoeledge he was told abso,lutely nothing other than there was 'weird' goings on, I was on night shift when he came in and my colleague showed him around the site, just a walk through and I was told he looked about at things made notes and appeared to listen, they were gone at least two hours and then my colleague came back with pages of quickly made notes, my colleague whom I'd known for years swore he told him nothing, the notes said there was a lady-a matron(in spirit) who stood on a landing/stairway and observed the comings and goings, she was worried about people putting in and taking out money from the petty cash tin, to her it seemed wrong, there were many children? teenage girls on site and babies, one was particularly troublesome and was often found missing but always found crying usually hiding in the 'coal hole' (just under the window near where we and the office admin lady heard it/her)...there was also apparently soldiers? in blue and green uniforms on site......there was loads more, this was before the internet really took off and even now there is very little on the place on the internet so back then there would have been zilch!

Bizarrely (or not)I worked mainly on a ward that used to be a mortuary and we always had very quiet nights!

This is all absolutely true as relayed or experienced by myself and trusted colleagues and I still don't know what to make of it!


Call Me a Cab
Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England
as an add on a friend and colleague was told by the same 'ghost buster' guy one day when he came back to do some more looking around that he had a guy watching over him in uniform who been very amused at my friends recent digging the garden fiasco .....when the chap explained what the guardian looked like my friends jaw dropped as it fitted his old sergeants description perfectly ....my friend had attended his funeral earlier in the year..... I asked my friend why would he be laughing at him digging and he explained when he was posted to the Scottish isles his sergeant was a local derbyshire lad and they got on very well ...he d often get my friend off various duties but one he could nt get him off was digging the C O 's garden one weekend as punishment for some demeanour or other... My friend was the most unlikely soldier ever and always did and still does hate gardening or any heavy manual labour of any type! The spirit detective guy had never met my friend who had himself come in to cover at very short notice.

Evan Everhart

A-List Customer
Hollywood, California
This is all absolutely true as relayed or experienced by myself and trusted colleagues and I still don't know what to make of it!

Well, sir, I'd say that you have/had a real and sincere haunting on your hands, whether your believe it or not. At least it doesn't sound like anything too malevolent or demonic....Those are the worst, or murder sites. Ugh. Great story and read! Thanks!

Evan Everhart

A-List Customer
Hollywood, California
Oh! One other ghostly occurrence in my home that I just recalled; after my grandfather died, and before my father moved out of the house, I heard him in the other room complaining to one of his friends that my grandfather was too hard on him and saying other generally derogatory things about my grandfather; his father. I was sitting on the rug playing solitaire in my bedroom directly across the hall from my father's bedroom and sitting room, with both of our doors open to the central hall, when after the first couple of nasty things that father said about grandfather, my grandfather's old wall mounted grandfather-esque, pendulum clock flew straight away from the wall about three feet out, spun in the air three times, and smashed the floor between my feet, on top of my card game....The extraordinary part (in a structural sense) was, that the delicate frosted tissue glass of the pendulum case did not break, shatter, or even crack even though it flew out and down with such force and noise! Also, it spun around in the air! Come on! Anyway, really freaky. But father shouldn't have disrespected grandfather like that.
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Evan Everhart

A-List Customer
Hollywood, California
Another Ghostly Occurrence; at my aunt's home

So, my aunt is my father's sister, her old home, her second one that she moved into in the Antelope Valley was very creepy. I recall waking up one night in her den where I was sleeping on the fold out couch to see a black swirling vortex directly over me. The room was not very dark and the roof was done in white painted stucco, so I cannot explain the black circular apparition, nor can I explain the sense of swirling movement and cold feeling of a breeze blowing down upon me when there were no vents or central heating or air in that house....Also, she used to swear that she'd see and hear small feet rushing around corners in that house, just like if you saw someone's ankle rounding a corner as they ran. Things would also vanish in that house and appear in bizarre places, like in the freezer, on top of tall bookshelves that no one could reach, or in the attic or chicken coop, and this often enough when she was the only one home or awake. My aunt and her sons would also frequently see ghostly glowing lights hovering over the orchard across the street or car lights that would fade into nothing as they approached her home. She also used to get phone calls where she would hear old fashioned player piano music and people laughing and moving about and clanging cups....like the sound-effects of an old western film for a saloon scene....No one would ever talk either. Weird.

In my aunt's latest house, I stayed up there one time to help her with her ceramics class (she's a teacher and I'm good with that sort of thing), I remember that despite it being one of the rare evenings in the Antelope Valley when the winds and breezes were at an absolute stand-still, I was continually hearing a bizarre mournful piping, a sort of scale, kind of like an ocarina or something, playing a definite sort of repetitive tune, directly outside the living room window (I was on the fold out couch once again). I would hear the piping, go outside, and there would be nothing there, no sound, no wind; nothing at all! I asked my aunt about it, and she said that she frequently heard the piping too but had stopped bothering about it after a while.

One final thing with her house, you used to get a really disturbing rushing swirling and nauseating feeling when standing in the hall, and anything that you would hang in the hall beneath the entrance to the attic would come crashing down violently and usually shatter and splinter up, this went on for a long time, until my cousin went to check the roof from the inside because of leaks and found a dusty old Ouija board sitting in between the rafters right beside the entrance to the attic. The day after they removed the board, they tried to hang something up in the hall, just to see if that was something that might have been influencing it, and nothing has fallen since, also, the nauseating feeling of vertigo has left as well.
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Call Me a Cab
Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England
another interesting item relayed to me by a very good lifelong friend was once when his children were small he went upstairs to check on them after hearing them stirring on the baby monitor, when he got into the triplets room(yes triplets) the girls knitted blanket was folded inwards corner to corner to make a diamond shape!.....they never had anything else happen before or after and the children were 9 months old at the time.....their cottage in rural Derbyshire was/is 16-17th century next door but one to a medieval church just for context.
Covina, Califonia 91722
I may have posted this earlier but if not here goes:
On Meucci Ave in Copiague (Long Island) NY there is a house my friends family stayed in that was basically haunted by 2 small kids that died in a car accident on the way back from the LIRR. The mom brought the kids to pick up dad from the station after work. The ghosts would play with my friends younger brothers toys and use his finger painting kit. They would hold the doors closed sometimes and bang the lid of their mail box up and down during the day. There was a lot of knocks and bumps. The house was remodeled and part of the basement was walled off with a small “window” to look at the other side. The 3rd floor was closed off when the stairs were taken out. You had to go up on a ladder and thru the window to see the old bedrooms up there. It was fairly spooky sometimes.

Evan Everhart

A-List Customer
Hollywood, California
I may have posted this earlier but if not here goes:
On Meucci Ave in Copiague (Long Island) NY there is a house my friends family stayed in that was basically haunted by 2 small kids that died in a car accident on the way back from the LIRR. The mom brought the kids to pick up dad from the station after work. The ghosts would play with my friends younger brothers toys and use his finger painting kit. They would hold the doors closed sometimes and bang the lid of their mail box up and down during the day. There was a lot of knocks and bumps. The house was remodeled and part of the basement was walled off with a small “window” to look at the other side. The 3rd floor was closed off when the stairs were taken out. You had to go up on a ladder and thru the window to see the old bedrooms up there. It was fairly spooky sometimes.

Very interesting sir! Most peculiar that someone should essentially lose gross amounts of square footage in a house in so bizarre a manner! The haunting must have been quite severe! Any more details as to the history of the place? Also, what is LIRR? Thanks for the read! Yikes!

Evan Everhart

A-List Customer
Hollywood, California
Oh! One more creepy thing from my home; in the back bedroom where my grandmother used to have her bedroom and my father had his office later, the same one that I had the creepy feeling of being watched in, one of my past renters used to (I believed at the time) continually leave the television on or roll over the controller on his bed at night and turn it on, because at the same time (12:47 AM) every night, the volume on the TV would shoot way up and it would just be static; white noise! I would invariably go to his room, knock on the door and ask him to turn his TV off, he would wake up, groggy-like, turn it off, and doze off....So, that went on for a while, I began to really resent my renter and that was only the icing on top. Long story short, he eventually moved out, he left the room furnished as it originally was (futon bed/couch, table, dresser, night-stand, television, rubbish can). The television was unplugged, I always unplug things if they're not being used. So, the TV was unplugged. The night after he left, the television turned on by itself, still unplugged....This is also the room behind the wall where the weird head and shoulders that growled and said that word came out from.....Oh, I also used to hear what sounded like heavy furniture being moved and pushed around in there, and pacing heavy footsteps, even and especially when I had not a single stick of furniture in the room and I've also heard murmuring in there once or twice. My girl has also frequently heard the noises.

Also, the other night, my new renter had just pulled up and his light was off, I was standing in the driveway, so I could see, as he was getting out of his car, the light turned on, he came up to me, angry and asked who had been in his room, no one I said, I'm the only one with a key, he saw me standing there when he drove up, we went inside, it was still locked, and the light was still on....He got kind of scared but didn't say anything further.
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Vera Godfrey

Practically Family
And alternately, here's a quick sketch of the Woman in the Dress
(Not one of my best efforts)


This is exactly what I see. It's very clear (and a little creepy!)
Covina, Califonia 91722
Very interesting sir! Most peculiar that someone should essentially lose gross amounts of square footage in a house in so bizarre a manner! The haunting must have been quite severe! Any more details as to the history of the place? Also, what is LIRR? Thanks for the read! Yikes!
RR is usually a reference to a railroad in this case the Long Island Railroad. The neighborhood had homes from the 50's but the town is older and there are many anchor homes from much earlier in many paces, this may have been earlier. As to loss of usable space, I have never been able to fathom some of the design, architectural, paint schemes and furnishing choices of many people back in Copiague. It was a black hole of strange rennovation decisions.

Evan Everhart

A-List Customer
Hollywood, California
I was actually curious if the mode or type of renovations had anything to do with simply walling off an "offending" or haunted portion of the home....I had a relative who did something like that while they lived in an old place at college for a while. The back corner over the kitchen in their rental on the second floor was really eerie they said, so, they just never used it and kept the door locked, though, they never went into more detail than that.


I'll Lock Up
Somewhere in Time
Well, my grandparent's home is hanted.

Anyone whom has stayed in the back bedroom always has an expierence.

A few years back, my mother was sleeping in there, when she suddenly awoke to a woman standing over her. The woman was younger, and had on a blue gown, and a white shawl, or something of that nature. It didn't cause her to panic, just took her breath, and then she fell asleep. She told her parents this the next day.

Last night, while visiting them, we somehow ended up on the subject, and found out that my Great-grandmother was buried in a blue gown, with a white shawl (or whatever it was) on, as that is what she whished to be buried in. So, the woman my mom saw was my great grandmother.

My mom also told us about how she would be chased by a faceless figure throughout the entire home. The figure that was chasing her had on a suit, and hat... we also learned that the figure was built like my great-grandfather, and dressed the same way... very nice to hear that they check up on us. Also, if you stay in my great grandparents room, around 2, the room becomes ice cold, and lasts. It wakes you up, but my Grandpa will always say,"It's ok, they are here now, but they wont hurt you. It's ok, just go to sleep." And eventually the feeling goes away...

My uncle, who works at Folsom Prison says a prison tower is haunted. They used to hand prisoners from the tower in the 1800s, and now if you stand guard there, you hear people screaming, the key box thing flyes off the wall, and you can hear the old barred cell doors opening and closing (even though they have the modern units). Also, they have had inmates ask, "What are you guards doing walking up and down here all night long", even though no guard was in the cell area. There were also sights (when they had the old cell doors), of transparent type arms hanging out into the hallway, like prisoners draping their arms out through the bars.

Some pretty interesting stuff!

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