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Excessive posting? ... Interesting.....

Portage, Wis.
That's always my thinking on it. Between my constant work and 'driving like a granny' like my friends say I do, I hope to get many, many years out of my cars.

Proper care of that will sure help keep the cost of buying tires down. You know many people fail to properly maintain tires and such, which then makes them have to buy tires far too soon.


I’ll Lock Up.
..Not me! I bought my wife a nice pair of expensive scissors..a stylistic pro air brush..and several boxes of 'Dizzy Blond' fancy quick bleach out....:Dlol
I could suggest that, however, in the bigger picture of everything, I have to back my Wife in what she wants to do. You see, she will spend hours roaming eBay and stores and shops all the time, to just find me a new hat, shoes, socks, ties, suits, gloves, top coats, cars, you name it. So I have to give her more than "equal footing" when it comes to what she wants. Now, I may suggest she can do some things better on her own in things like cutting hair, who knows? I actually cut my own hair, but I have a non-conventional hair style.


I’ll Lock Up.
That's always my thinking on it. Between my constant work and 'driving like a granny' like my friends say I do, I hope to get many, many years out of my cars.

That is a smart policy to keep.

I was looking at a car one time that was for sale online. It had only 341 miles on it, was a 1996 Dodge Neon that had been in some old gal's garage since her husband died. That car was as good as new, and the price was $7,000.00 Now some people thought that was a high price for the car, but really, where you gonna buy a car almost brand new for just 7 grand? I purchased the car and gave it to a family member that had no car.


Call Me a Cab
Toronto, Canada
I was looking at a car one time that was for sale online. It had only 341 miles on it, was a 1996 Dodge Neon that had been in some old gal's garage since her husband died. That car was as good as new, and the price was $7,000.00 Now some people thought that was a high price for the car, but really, where you gonna buy a car almost brand new for just 7 grand? I purchased the car and gave it to a family member that had no car.

Crazy! My dad had a '94 Neon that he sold in about '02 for $3000.00. But, it was a stick, had 58 000 kilometres on it, and a huge dent in the driver's door from when he opened it into a fire hydrant (during a bad snowstorm, and the thing was covered.)

My grandfather left his '95 Dodge Dakota to my dad in his will when he died in 2004, and it only had 1500km on it. Dad still owns it, and now it only has about 20,000km on it. The thing is in prime condition, and has never needed a repair! Dodges are great cars, they can last forever.
East Central Indiana
I could suggest that, however, in the bigger picture of everything, I have to back my Wife in what she wants to do. You see, she will spend hours roaming eBay and stores and shops all the time, to just find me a new hat, shoes, socks, ties, suits, gloves, top coats, cars, you name it. So I have to give her more than "equal footing" when it comes to what she wants. Now, I may suggest she can do some things better on her own in things like cutting hair, who knows? I actually cut my own hair, but I have a non-conventional hair style.

Just the opposite here. I shop for my wife on line. Since I found a neat shop called Fredericks..there's no need to go out shopping. Plus I never bought her shoe's. Always went by that old adage about keeping them barefoot....
BTW...do you think admitting this way of thinking will get me in trouble here?
Portage, Wis.
What a good deal, very big-hearted of you!

My dad has a Chevy Silverado he bought new in 2000. The thing only has 34,000 miles on it, never goes out if it's too sunny, may fade the paint, rainy, never in winter. It's washed more times than it's out of the garage. The only non-original thing on the truck is the battery, which he kept the original when he replaced it.

That is a smart policy to keep.

I was looking at a car one time that was for sale online. It had only 341 miles on it, was a 1996 Dodge Neon that had been in some old gal's garage since her husband died. That car was as good as new, and the price was $7,000.00 Now some people thought that was a high price for the car, but really, where you gonna buy a car almost brand new for just 7 grand? I purchased the car and gave it to a family member that had no car.


California native living in Arizona.
We can always make a "special list".....lol!

uh no thanks :eeek:

Just the opposite here. I shop for my wife on line. Since I found a neat shop called Fredericks..there's no need to go out shopping. Plus I never bought her shoe's. Always went by that old adage about keeping them barefoot....
BTW...do you think admitting this way of thinking will get me in trouble here?

Not with me, but I'm weird :p

Gregg Axley

I'll Lock Up
At least she admitted it. :p
I'm almost obsessive with my cars.
I got top dollar for an 03 Subaru Baja in 07, because the car looked better than it did the day we got it!
The Saturn Vue we replaced it with has been pampered as well, and it still looks new.
Tom's right, it's all in how you take care of them.
As many have stated here, I too have a Neon that my wife brought with her when we married. It's a 2000 with 107K on the odometer, and as far as Neon's go it's in really good shape, just a few blown speakers due to the sun. Runs great and still gets 23mpg in the city...I'm not complaining.


Call Me a Cab
Toronto, Canada
At least she admitted it. :p
I'm almost obsessive with my cars.
I got top dollar for an 03 Subaru Baja in 07, because the car looked better than it did the day we got it!
The Saturn Vue we replaced it with has been pampered as well, and it still looks new.
Tom's right, it's all in how you take care of them.
As many have stated here, I too have a Neon that my wife brought with her when we married. It's a 2000 with 107K on the odometer, and as far as Neon's go it's in really good shape, just a few blown speakers due to the sun. Runs great and still gets 23mpg in the city...I'm not complaining.

The sun can blow your speakers? :eeek: Damn, now I have to worry about that and my power steering...

Gregg Axley

I'll Lock Up
On the top of the dash it can. The paper backing eventually gets weak, and with the speaker's movement due to music, and the ride of the car, it eventually breaks. Then you get an awful "thump" to it. In this case you have to back off the bass or listen to that thump the whole time. When I have time I'll unclip the top of the dash and replace them. Seeing as I only drive the car once or twice a week, it's not a priority.
East Central Indiana
Went to Grandson's 8th birthday today. Opened presents...then all the kids were picking out what cupcake they wanted from the pan. My Granddaughter wanted the one with the blue flowered candle..James(BirthdayBoy)wanted the one with the plain blue color candle...Johnathon wanted the one with the green candle. There were two cupcakes with out candles. I said.."Hey James...as I pointed at a candleless cupcake..can I have this one"?...and as he looked at me pointing...I stuck my finger in the iceing. His eyes got big...mouth dropped open and said "GraaandPaaaa"! Ha ha!..guess who got that cupcake!;):party:
East Central Indiana
My Daughter made individual pizzas using rolled out 'Flakey Grand' canned biscuits..adding sausage...tiny pepperronies...peppers...sauce and matzo cheese on top. My gawd...that biscuit crust was mouthwatering GOOD!


Call Me a Cab
Toronto, Canada
Now you're gonna make C-dot hungry. lol

You guessed it. I'm going to nag the boyfriend to buy me some more gourmet cupcakes. Any frustration he experiences, I'll blame on you guys ;)

Hoosier, that was a mean low down dirty trick :p

Oh and speaking of, I bought this glorious candle from Bath and Body Works. Its hot chocolate scented, and even unlit, it makes the room smell heavenly. I got a silver cupcake holder for it too, and they gave me sample size Christmas candles. One of those smells like marshmallow mint! If you pop in there, these edible smelling candles are highly recommended!


California native living in Arizona.
In the long run, I think shoes would be cheaper than kids ...
That's a true statement right there lol
Oh and speaking of, I bought this glorious candle from Bath and Body Works. Its hot chocolate scented, and even unlit, it makes the room smell heavenly. I got a silver cupcake holder for it too, and they gave me sample size Christmas candles. One of those smells like marshmallow mint! If you pop in there, these edible smelling candles are highly recommended!

Oooo..... those sound wonderful! Thanks for the tip C-dot :D

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