Haha, Perfection is pie in the sky..Do you treat your girlfriends the same way if they're not perfect? Bring em' back to the pound, Well think about it..in the long run a girlfriend is more expensive than a Jacket, I'd take what I can get and be happy even at the price. Flaunt the imperfection.
...What a strange jacket/girlfriend comparison philosophy evolving into 'the more noticeable errors, the better' or 'no one should foolishly expect or even dare desire for all the threads to be in place on a $1000 jacket'. HUH?...and who has a pickle in his ear? What am I missing...??
I see what you mean. Too much information. The jacket has a flaw. The jacket is not a person.
Yes, I admit, It was a bad analogy, you guys are right about that, I thought we'd have a fun discussion but three dropped stitches on a Jacket is pretty serious business apparently.
Haw haw, You ain't seen my last girlfriend. Talk about Stitch holes, she's got em in spades, practically busting out at the seams too.. My Jacket kept me warmer at night out in the doghouse, put it that way.
I'd be a happy satisfied customer to see my Jacket was made by a human being...thats just *me * and my own strange lunacy.
What satisfies me as a customer is seeing that the human making my jacket was on top of his craft and paid attention to what he was doing...
That doesn't mean i get all passive agressive with people who like something different!