I won this Knox. If I sniped anyone on here, I respectfully apologize. I hope this is nice and there are no surprises, since I am always skeptical of blurry pics.Lefty said:
DoctorJ said:Congrats!
I placed a bid on those at one point; I don't own a Cavanagh yet. I was hoping for that chance that everyone else might just forget.
You know that section of your eBay homepage that tells you how much you spent this month? Well, I discovered it the other day, and let's just say it influenced my decision to bid any higher.
Looking forward to seeing the results.
Charlie Huang said:Just won a vintage silk plush top hat:
Looks in good nick though I might have to send it off to Patey's for minor renovation if applicable and of course to re-conform it to my head.
Looks like I might attend Royal Ascot this year as planned!
carter said:Scott, There are some members who are hatters in the Pacific NW. Art Fawcett (OR) comes to mind. I believe there are one or two more located in WA.
Rick Blaine posted this in another thread a couple of years ago.
"A few:
North Valley Hat Co. in OR
Mike the Hatter in Ohio
Jimmy Pierce in Tx
Jackson Hole Hat Co. in WY
Worth & Worth in NYC
Arizona Hatters' in, uh, AZ
Peter Bros. in TX
... and lotsa others, I am sure. Google "hat repair" or "hat cleaning" or "Hat renovation" you will turn 'em up."
Lefty said:This one is pretty great too.[/URL] I've never seen this liner, and that's a heck of a wide sweat.
Jabos said:I won this Knox. If I sniped anyone on here, I respectfully apologize. I hope this is nice and there are no surprises, since I am always skeptical of blurry pics.
Thanks. Sorry 'bout that. The joke may be on me since most of the "fidora" pics were blurry. They probably photoshopped the moth nips out!!!Gilgamark said:You sniped me by three bucks. Nice win.
carter said:Mike the Hatter in Ohio
Jabos said:I won this Knox. If I sniped anyone on here, I respectfully apologize. I hope this is nice and there are no surprises, since I am always skeptical of blurry pics.
Jabos said:Thanks. Sorry 'bout that. The joke may be on me since most of the "fidora" pics were blurry. They probably photoshopped the moth nips out!!!
Tango Yankee said:
I tried bidding on this one at the last moment. When I did, I got back a message telling me that the next bid would go over the BIN amount and that I should go back and use the BIN. Odd. I wasn't anywhere near the BIN amount in my bid. When I looked back at it, the bidding had ended and was still showing the amount that was up when I bid. [huh]