His bite could be worse than his bark. Don't rub him the wrong way ...
A pic taken earlier this month.
This little guy wandered into the yard today. He's very friendly and has an unalloyed solidity about him. I think he's a keeper.
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Hey, you guys can't go swimming yet....oops.
... I always thought of tiny dogs as annoying rodents though this guy seems the exception to that rule. The 7 pound flea came from animal services who took him from some abusive owners. ...
Hola Perry, Yo tengo sólo 4, Boxer, Retriever, American Cocker y Dalmata ¡¡¡¡¡
Lovely Dogs ¡¡¡Oh mi Dios. Siete perros y 4 perros - you guys rock! He trabajado duro para mantener el número de perros en mi casa para menores de 4 años. Mi esposa es un DVM y que podría tener perros ilimitados Si tenía el único voto. Actualmente tenemos 3 perros. Dos perros de agua portugués (PWD) y 1 Basenji.
Here is a pic of the PWD's out and about last weekend.
Best, Eric -