There's nothing fetish about wearing a sam browne belt or any belt with a jacket meant for it. That's like saying my pants have belt loops, and I wear a belt, bring on the ****. Wearing a Cal jacket and full Ponch and John are two different worlds. I'd also consider that more reenactment than fetish. Honestly all the laces are worse to me asthetically and comfort factor than a belt, but I still don't consider it a corset. The back of the highwaywan does remind me of one now that it was pointed out, before then it was just function over form. I personally don't use the side laces on my Cal as I can't get them to sit right, so a belt is mandatory. Really at the end of the day its all about how it works for you.
@Carlos840 all this fetish talk has me a little nervous to google bluf community lol
It seems you and @Fifty150 and using "duty belt" and "Sam Brown belt" as if they were the same thing, they are not...
This is a "sam Browne" belt, the "Sam Browne" refers to the extra strap that goes across the chest, IMO there is no way to wear this that isn't weird (unless part of a real uniform), loops or not. Everytime i have seen a chest cross strap worn above a leather jacket it was linked to BLUF.

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