My sister had two Labradors that hated anyone in a hat or cap.
My Lab mix and Rotty mix have grown up with me wearing them, so they know it means "time to go out" when they see one on my head.
I think it's all in what they get used to.
My dog loves them
Fortunately, no. DOGS of any age can become comfortable with hats through consistent and positive exposure. To help your dog conquer their fear of hats, begin by wearing a hat around them for a few weeks. During this time, you should also introduce your dog to friends wearing hats.Conventional wisdom around here says that dogs dislike men in hats. I've developed a habit of doffing my hat as I approach properties with excitable dogs on my daily walk.
Anyone know if there's real research on the topic?
Ditto.I wear a hat when I get in the car to go somewhere and the dog gets to go most of the time.
Our dog couldn't care less about hats, probably because I've been wearing them since we brought him home so he's used to them. If I'm out in public somewhere and encounter a dog who seems to be bothered by whichever hat I'm wearing, I've found that removing it slowly and holding it out for the dog to sniff (while I'm talking to the dog) and otherwise examine usually removes the mystery for them and they no longer care.
It's probably you the dog "goes nuts" for, hat or no hat....My next door neighbor's dog, however, goes nuts when he comes out into the back yard when I'm out in my back yard, especially as I get close to the shared fence. My neighbor says it's because of the hat. I've even taken it off in front of her, but that hasn't seemed to make any difference. I just think the dog goes nuts naturally, hat or no hat.
I do not have a dog anymore only a cat.....and no matter how I try to show him some nice ones (in his size even)....he just WILL NOT wear one......
Looks like he's a long oval!