Sugar Cane chambray work shirt purchased new probably more than a decade ago as a back up but never worn.
Tagged a Medium 15~15½, measurements: Chest = 21" / Shoulders = 17¼" / Length = 28" / Sleeves = 24"
New price as you can see from the tag was ¥11,340 (though they cost somewhat more nowadays) but I'm asking just US$65 / £45 plus shipping (& any fees, though these have been avoided with my sales to date using Paypal F+F).
Tagged a Medium 15~15½, measurements: Chest = 21" / Shoulders = 17¼" / Length = 28" / Sleeves = 24"
New price as you can see from the tag was ¥11,340 (though they cost somewhat more nowadays) but I'm asking just US$65 / £45 plus shipping (& any fees, though these have been avoided with my sales to date using Paypal F+F).