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Cigar Afficionados are often very knowledgeable about the cigars they smoke. Cuban cigars are usually consider PUROS, pure in the fact that they are all Cuban tobacco.
Many cigar makers from other cigar producing countries also go the puro route using all Dominican Republic, Nicaraguan, Brazillian, Mexican tobacco ETC in their cigars.
Other makers don't hold to the Puros idea, but will carefully blend tobacco from various countries to produce superb cigars.
What style is you favorite cigar and what does your favorite maker chose for blending? Puros or other countries?
(I have enjoyed a handfull of Cuban cigars in my lifetime and found them to be smooth and full flavored, sometimes quite strong, but they have a flavor that is not like the cigars of other regions. I like Nicaraguan cigars but there are so many good ones out there.)
Many cigar makers from other cigar producing countries also go the puro route using all Dominican Republic, Nicaraguan, Brazillian, Mexican tobacco ETC in their cigars.
Other makers don't hold to the Puros idea, but will carefully blend tobacco from various countries to produce superb cigars.
What style is you favorite cigar and what does your favorite maker chose for blending? Puros or other countries?
(I have enjoyed a handfull of Cuban cigars in my lifetime and found them to be smooth and full flavored, sometimes quite strong, but they have a flavor that is not like the cigars of other regions. I like Nicaraguan cigars but there are so many good ones out there.)