I have 4 parabuntal hats now and love them. This one was listed as a size 7-1/2, but the seller did not disclose that it is also marked as a 61cm. It's just too light and too loose for me to wear outside if it's windy at all. So it's closer to a size 7-5/8.
The box is interesting, but is marked for a different size hat than what is listed here.
It's difficult to capture the light golden honey color of this one. I'd say it's about 3 shades darker than what shows on my monitor.
The brim is 3", and crown measures 4-1/2" front, 5" middle and 4" at the back.
Asking price is $150 plus shipping to your address. Offers are welcome.
The box is interesting, but is marked for a different size hat than what is listed here.
It's difficult to capture the light golden honey color of this one. I'd say it's about 3 shades darker than what shows on my monitor.
The brim is 3", and crown measures 4-1/2" front, 5" middle and 4" at the back.
Asking price is $150 plus shipping to your address. Offers are welcome.