GWD said:Today I am a man! It took almost forty-one years but it finally happened.
I've been considering the purchase of a straight edged razor and all the paraphernalia that purchase requires. So to true to my modus operandi I've been doing my exhaustive research. I made an appointment @ Hawleywood's Barber Shop
in beautiful Costa Mesa, CA for 4:00pm sharp this afternoon.
I walked into the shop and was instantly mesmerized by all of the cool "old school" stuff on the walls, old time Rock and Roll, the old world barber shop chairs and the smell of pomade, aftershave and beer! That's right BEER! While sitting in the shop waiting my turn, Donnie Hawley(The Owner of this fine establishment) offers me a Pabst Blue Ribbon, not my favorite of beers but what the hell it's BEER and it's free! So I'm sipping my beer reading STUFF magazine when I notice a guy who walks into the door, an old co-worker of mine that I haven't seen in 5 years! What are the chances? So he sits down and we catch up on old times for about 5 minutes and then it's time for my shave.
First things first, the warm towel, I was expecting a HOT towel, it was almost luke warm, my first expectation was a bit of a let down. Next the shave, again my expectations were that the razor was going to be so sharp that I was barely going to feel the razor glide across my face. I felt it many times. I've got to tell you, this is absolutely the closest shave I've ever had!
I'm definitely going to invest in straight razor soon.

The barbershop shave is one of the great pleasures in life, however, you are not really a man until you go into the barber's back room for a tattoo.