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The mess with the store he had on there never got to be fully corrected. He truly did get taken for a ride by his vendor and put into a lot of debt with many members. We had many talks about this and he felt it had really hurt his friendships with many members.
I was deeply saddened the store turned out the way it did, especially 'cause it kicked off so nicely with people receiving some fantastic looking jackets, but I never for a second doubted Rick's honesty regarding the whole matter; It was plainly obvious he indeed only wanted everyone to be able to score a quality, extremely screen accurate & equally important, affordable movie jacket.
I know how hard Rick worked to get every detail right, even trying to secure actual patterns for certain film jackets, dealing with costume department people, etc.
Internet is a crappier place for having lost FJ forum. That place was so crazy friendly and polite... I just loved lurking & hanging out there, even tho I wouldn't post much. But it's not just the store; The interest for movie jackets also kind of diminished and honestly, I can't recall the last time I saw a nice looking jacket in any recent movie.
I was also always hoping to see Rick here, on TFL some day, especially since his knowledge of vtg jackets matched just about anyone's here - No wonder, considering how vast the movie database FJ covered was, Rick must've handled countless vintage pieces we constantly talk about here (I never forgot how he refused to settle with the theory that Brando's jacket is definitely Durable) - but. . .
In any case, please do keep us updated.