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Anybody still read the Newspaper?


Hardlucksville, NY
jake_fink said:
Is the sudoko "lightweight"?
For me it is! ;)

Hemingway Jones said:
Not to put too fine a point on it, because you and I could have a much more fun discussion about this over drinks the next time I am in NYC, but "lightweight" implies lack of heft and depth. If you're refining that to whether those articles are more or less relevant to our daily lives, then I suppose that's a different discussion. However, the one thing that is impressive about the Sunday Times is the tremendous amount of information given on such topics as Art, Theater, Architecture, and other more liberal arts pursuits.

Personally, the serious and heavy news is more of a Monday morning necessity for me rather than a Sunday morning indulgence. Some Sundays, it's amazing I can even read. ;) :)
I am sure this would make a better conversation over drinks.
I have to point out when I refer to lightweight news versus "the heavy" I am comparing world news to the latest "Martini menu" on some silly NYC restaurant or children's book written by the latest bored social worker. ;)
Also when it comes to the heft and depth (can I add timeliness?) to local arts and culture, the NYT falls short of the smaller NYC periodicals.

Hemingway Jones

I'll Lock Up
Acton, Massachusetts
Feraud said:
I am sure this would make a better conversation over drinks.
I have to point out when I refer to lightweight news versus "the heavy" I am comparing world news to the latest "Martini menu" on some silly NYC restaurant or children's book written by the latest bored social worker. ;)
Also when it comes to the heft and depth (can I add timeliness?) to local arts and culture, the NYT falls short of the smaller NYC periodicals.
I think anyone making the same comparison would come to the same conclusion, though much "news" is rarely worthy of that name, no matter the subject.

To get the focus off The New York Times, there are certainly better newspapers for World News. However, is there value with adhering to a local or national newspaper over taking a buffet table approach at articles online for specific stories?

Not knowing the local NYC periodicals, and not living in NY myself, I rarely care about the local arts scene, but rather the international or survey type articles of which the NY Times is proficient.

I see value to newspapers and I enjoy all of the sections. I don't rate my news or my information. It all has value to me. Homo sum; humani nil a me alienum puto - "I am a man and I think nothing human alien to me." Terence.

Nathan Flowers

Head Bartender
Staff member

I read the local, state, and at least one national newspaper daily, but I find myself getting more news via the Internet than from paper.


One Too Many
Northern Virginia
I read the Wall Street Journal. I consider it the only business paper worth a flip. Most newspapers todays are simply rags, would never give them my money. But I do read my town newspaper and the largest state paper online each day. Mainly it's looking for something that catches the eye.


I'll Lock Up
Da Bronx, NY, USA
I enjoy reading newspapers, but I must confess, it has to be someone else's. I'll mooch everyone in the world's paper before I'll buy one myself. Just a personal quirk. (I guess I'm just cheap :))
But I'm sure that the last stand of the old fashioned newspaper in America will be New York. Somehow newspapers and subways go together. I enjoy rating people on their newspaper reading abilities on the train. Tabloids are a snap. What takes talent is the Times. I always admire anyone who can take that 3 or 4 square yards of newsprint and keep in under control while squished in a narrow subway seat. Some people make hash of it (amateurs!) and some people are artists.
I actually read a lot of papers online, e.g. London Times, Al Ahram, etc. But I still enjoy the real thing.

Tommy Fedora

One of the Regulars
First the comics, then sports, then the headlines.
Years ago when my father was a policeman our town would be in the news fairly often. Unfortunately, the write-ups in the newspaper were usually wrong so he would tell me the correct names and story line. I hope todays papers are better but I wonder.


One of the Regulars
i still like the sunday comics. it gives me a warm feeling of nostalgia for the days of "Tery and the Pirates" and "Dick Tracy" etc.

might be because i've been in the funny papers :)


A-List Customer
Whenever I can get my hands on the Sunday paper, I usually read the New York Times or The Washington Post. Admittedly, I like to read the articles on food, lifestyles, cultural activities over anything else. That's because I get my hard news during the week either online or on television. Sunday is my rest day from the serious stuff.


One of the Regulars
Portland, OR
Marc Chevalier said:
I read the Obituaries section almost daily. It's something that one begins to do around the age of 40. :(


I am an avid reader of the obituaries as well...but I'm not even close to 40! Does this mean I'm morbid?



One of the Regulars
fairbanks alaska
Still read the newspapers.

Two in fact. Our Local paper"THE DAILY NEWS MINER" and the St.Louis "POST DISPATCH" I also still heat the cabin with a wood stove so I REALLY, REALLY need the Newspaper:)


One of the Regulars
I've always been a newspaper guy, especially on Sunday mornings. The 11 year old dog and I are both early risers so we get up around 6 a.m., make the coffee and go outside and get the papers. Two or three cups of coffee to get through the papers and then it's time for CBS Sunday Morning. It's my favorite way to wind down the weekend.

Polka Dot

A-List Customer
Usually there's a newspaper (Philadelphia Inquirer) in the break room of the Borders where I work, and during my lunch breaks there I'll sometimes flip through it. What I've read of it has convinced me it's not worth my time or money. Otherwise, I read my news online, from a variety of newspapers: NYTimes, Chicago Tribune, Le Monde, and Libération.

I am planning on subscribing to something once I move to Boston; probably the Sunday NYTimes for all of the "light", arts-focused content it provides. I'm not sure though. Is the Globe worth it?

Hemingway Jones

I'll Lock Up
Acton, Massachusetts
Polka Dot said:
I am planning on subscribing to something once I move to Boston; probably the Sunday NYTimes for all of the "light", arts-focused content it provides. I'm not sure though. Is the Globe worth it?
The Boston Globe is the paper of record for Boston, so it is essential reading. It has all of the problems of other modern American papers. [huh]

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