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Another reason why wearing a Fedora RULES!


A-List Customer
Los Angeles, Cal-i-forn-i-a
What is it about the fedora that so many people like? I usually get alot of positive comments from the black wool felt I own. I do so love that wonderful hat!

My panama hat is a different story. I usually get weird ones like "You look like a plantation owner" or "You look like Colonel Sanders" :mad: I do not! But is the panama still classified under fedora?


Practically Family
Southern California
RedPop4 said:
Same here. My wife rolls her eyes.

Ahhh...man...sorry to hear that. I stopped by my wife's office on the way in today. As I was leaving she said....with a smokey voice and very lusty look in her eye. "You suuuuure look good in that hat baby." I said..."So. "I can leave my hat on?" "You bet!" she replied.


One Too Many
Metropolitan New Orleans
Nice.lol lol lol lol lol lol
What WILL happen if the anti-tobacco nazis get their wish? That just barely noticeable lingering scent, the smoky voice......just enough to let you know that she's a bad girl. ;)


My Mail is Forwarded Here
City of the Angels
Saturday I took my Packard to a cruise-in wearing tan shorst a tan guyaberra shirt white socks brown deck shoes and this fedora. Got a "nice hat!" remark exiting the restroom too.


Practically Family
Southern California
RedPop4 said:
Nice.lol lol lol lol lol lol
What WILL happen if the anti-tobacco nazis get their wish? That just barely noticeable lingering scent, the smoky voice......just enough to let you know that she's a bad girl. ;)

Well...she doesn't smoke...but she had that Lauren Becall thang goin on.



A-List Customer
I live in what used to be the 'hood in Portland, quickly gentrifying over the last few years. I had thought that only young guys (18-21) liked my stingy-brims enough to comment on them in public (most women I know apparently only see the nice hat (and like it), not so much how wide the brim is, or the style, or whatever). In the last month, I've gotten several compliments from older black men, one saying specifically, "Hey, I like the stingy brim, man" (I was wearing a 60s milan-straw with a 1.5" brim), the other two fellows were maybe 60 and I got the impression that by complimenting me they were partly saying, "Yeah, I left my fedora at home today." Yet another reason: love of fine hats is pan-cultural.


One of the Regulars
more tales

Yeah, the parking attendant is an old black gentleman. I saw his eyes light up one day when I had a hat on the front seat of the car. Over the months since I've started wearing hats, if I do NOT have one on my head, he'll ask me where it is! He talks about the hats he used to wear when he was younger, and the dances and jazz clubs he would go to. Unfortunately, he does not remember his hat size. I'd really enjoy surprising him one day with a hat.

Back to the women liking hats, I had another experience this week. My younger son is in 3rd grade, so I have probably seen the mother of another kid for 3 or 4 years. I am an old parent, so all the other parents are from an entirely younger generation (or two) from me. No heads turn when I walk into the room, except to speculate why a grandfather is there! lol

It was raining like crazy yesterday, so I was wearing a hat (it was my kangaroo leather Australian folder). As I was getting in the car, she gave me eye contact, a big smile and a solid "hello". This is the FIRST time she has acknowledged me. It HAS to be the HAT! :D


One Too Many
Metropolitan New Orleans
ledsled, a man like that would be happy with an ebay 'beater' that you get for $10-$15. I got an el cheapo Stetson, and I'm thrilled with it. It'f just fine for every day. Buying a hat for a person like that is a noble, and simple act of kindness.


Practically Family
I was walking down the street to my favorite bar this evening and I passed by a man who was walking down the street with his two children. He looked at me and then looked at his sons and said "Now you see that gentleman boys... he's wearing a Fedora hat...just like they did in the old days!"

I got a kick out of that and wanted to share it.


Mojave Jack

One Too Many
Yucca Valley, California
A couple weeks ago our biologists had a ribbon cutting for their new desert tortoise breeding and research facility. It's pretty far out into the desert, so those of us not directly involved were recruited as drivers. Naturally I wore my straw fedora, which is about the only thing that really works out here when it starts getting hot, along with khaki chinos and a short-sleeve button-down shirt. I got compliments from the commanding general's wife, the chief-of-staff's wife, and the G-3 deputy director's wife, all within about five minutes of each other!


One of the Regulars
measuring tape/parking attendants

RedPop4 said:
ledsled, a man like that would be happy with an ebay 'beater' that you get for $10-$15. I got an el cheapo Stetson, and I'm thrilled with it. It'f just fine for every day. Buying a hat for a person like that is a noble, and simple act of kindness.

:eek:fftopic: :eek:fftopic: :eek:fftopic: :eek:fftopic:

Nobody knows this yet (except my bosses), but they are laying me off. I'm out of a job by the end of August. I won't be parking in that garage anymore. I really want to get this guy a hat. I've been thinking of taking in the measuring tape from Duane's website and seeing what size his head is. I don't know if he'd go for it, or think it was weird (think *I* was weird).

The thing that haunts me about this is that the last time I faced a lay-off (3 years ago after working for 20 years at the same place), I was in a different building, and had befriended the parking attendant there. He, too, was a black gentleman. He did wedding photography on the weekends, as did I before having kids. He always had a smile and something witty to say. I could always confide in him. I left one Friday and when I came in Monday he was not in the booth, but there was a bouquet of flowers and a note instead. He had a sudden heart attack and passed away Sunday.

It made me realize how my brief daily contact with this guy really helped me through a difficult time. A smile and wave. He made life better for me.

My rambling is off topic, but I think this experience is driving me to get the current parking guy a hat! It's a way to have closure and say good-bye, or perhaps I am just trying to move on because I know that's what I have to do.


One of the Regulars
It's no coincidence

ledsled said:

... and had befriended the parking attendant there. ... I could always confide in him...

It made me realize how my brief daily contact with this guy really helped me through a difficult time. A smile and wave. He made life better for me.

...I think this experience is driving me to get the current parking guy a hat! ...

ledsled, I'm sorry to hear about the layoff, and hope things work out well and soon for you.

I quite agree with RedPop4, this is a wonderful gesture, particularly as a farewell. And it seems obvious from the similarities in the two situations, and from your impulses: That man not only made life better for him, you probably did so for him as well. I don't think you have a soft spot for parking attendants -- -- you care about people.

Good luck with the hat project. Even if it doesn't fit, that guy will appreciate it and remember you.

Best Regards,

- Mark


Practically Family
South Florida

Sorry to hear about your layoff. I have been "on the beach" as we say, soooo many times.

If you feel weird measuring another guy's head, give him the tape and let him do it.

In view of your pending layoff, if your friend is a size 7, I have a beautiful gray Royal Stetson I'll be happy to donate to the cause.

If not, let me know the correct size, and I'll help you keep an eye out for a nice one on ebay.

Aaron Hats

Does it matter?
ledsled, sorry to hear about the upcoming layoff. I've been through it and better things are right around the corner.

Why don't you have the guy try on your hat next time you see him. You should be able to get close in size by how yours fits on him.

Good luck.


Practically Family
South Florida
Back on topic...

...I wore my latest aquistion, a black Lee stingy to Temple last night. (I'm actually raised Southern Baptist, baptized Lutheran, LONG STORY).

The Cantor says to me: "Hey, isn't that a new fedora? I've never seen that one before." And then she says "You know, I've been watching movies on TCM a lot now because of you." "I'm always looking at the fedoras,
it's so much fun!"

I tell ya gents, life is good under a nice lid.

GA Wildlifer

Familiar Face
Athens, GA
No coincidence

I don't believe in coincidences.

I always regret when I don't make the effort to follow through on an opportunity like this. The smallest unexpected kindness can be so rewarding for receiver and giver.



Practically Family
Southern California
ledsled said:
It made me realize how my brief daily contact with this guy really helped me through a difficult time. A smile and wave. He made life better for me.

My rambling is off topic, but I think this experience is driving me to get the current parking guy a hat! It's a way to have closure and say good-bye, or perhaps I am just trying to move on because I know that's what I have to do.

Don't heitate with this issue. A hat now or a bouquet later....the choice seems clear. I have a couple of smaller hats (7's) that I would happily pass on as well. A Black Penny's Marathon stingy, or a grey DP. There are pictures over in the Classifieds section. And as to the sizeing, blame it on us. "I have these crazy friends who agree with me that you should be in a nice hat. So lets get it right. " Then get out the tape.



One of the Regulars
Sunny Florida
Looking Good is reason enough!

At my local alcohol acquisition merchant, one older fellow behind the counter is counting how many different hats of mine he has seen, and seems to have memory of owning the equivalent of each one. I am always fascinated that he says things like, "I had an old Dobbs like that one", or "as I recall, my Stetson was a bit darker gray than yours". I would love to give him a hat just to see the look in his eye!

I have been wearing fedoras daily (and fearlessly) for a little less than a year, and the change is subtle, yet profound in both myself and others' impressions of me. I was a jeans and band-logo t-shirt guy, except at work (business casual - it is Florida, after all), and for gigs (khakis and Hawaiian shirts). Since donning the fedora, I have changed my casual out-and-about togs to khakis, and a solid color button-down sport shirt, regardless of the activity. I have taken to wearing vintage (or at least traditional cut) suits or sportcoats and vintage ties for anything that is an "event". I invariably get positive compliments from men and women alike, and it kicks my + attitude up a notch ***beam*** whenever someone comments favorably, probably because the fedora looks good, yet remains a fashion rarity.

I wear my hats to and from the office, but not while working (given), and I arranged to have my company ID pic taken while wearing my Mallory Dallas (I reasoned that it's what I look like coming in the door, after all!). The company president's daughter, having recently graduated from college, has taken her place in the marketing department - obviously being groomed for bigger and better things. We were chatting over lunch and she looked at my ID badge and commented, "I like the fedora; it's like an icon of classic good taste. Maybe when I'm running the show, I'll make all the guys in the office wear hats. Guys just look better in nice hats!". I must admit that I was somewhat surprised and elated to hear her elaborate that "fashion is down the tubes", and "I hope mens' hats can make a comeback"!
I got a glowing annual review and a respectable raise!

And onward...

After seeing the "wife comments" (sorry guys, I'm a happy, confirmed bachelor of 15 years :eusa_clap ), and casting no aspersions upon the significant others, I think that it is possible that:
1) they are not yet accustomed to you (us) in a fedora, nor standing out and looking better because of the lid,
2) they are a bit jealous concerning overt positive attention from female admirers. For those who may want to debate - how about if she is wearing something provocative, and strange guys are chatting with her...?

OK...shoot at me if you like...just my $0.02 worth... :D

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