How about Full Metal Jacket:
“I’m So Happy That I Am Alive, in One Piece and Short. I’m in a World of Shit, Yes. But I Am Alive. And I Am Not Afraid.”
Or Psycho:
"I'm Not Even Gonna Swat That Fly. I Hope They Are Watching. They'll See. They'll See and They'll Know and They'll Say, 'Why, She Wouldn't Even Harm a Fly."
"I'm back. I'm Home. The whole time...We finally really did it! You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! G-damn you all to hell!
Haha! Yes! I love yelling this. No one seems to know what movie it's from, but I think it's one of the funniest lines in all cinema history. Well, at least coming from Heston anyway.
The list in the article linked in the OP is a good one - I'd quibble with A Clockwork Orange, though. For all the film has some nice bits, it is fundamentally flawed less by its badly dated visuals, more by the fact that it omits entirely the epilogue from the book, thus missing a vital chunk of the satire. I've been told the american publishers of the novel also cut the epilogue in order to provide an upbeat ending - don't know if this is an urban myth, though.
Alta, about a million years from now the human race...will have crawled up to where the Krell their great moment of triumph and tragedy. And your father's name will shine a beacon in the galaxy. It's true, it will remind us...that we are, after all, not God.
A River Runs Through It
Like many fly fishermen in western Montana where the summer days are almost Arctic in length, I often do not start fishing until the cool of the evening. Then in the Arctic half-light of the canyon, all existence fades to a being with my soul and memories and the sounds of the Big Blackfoot River and a four-count rhythm and the hope that a fish will rise. Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of those rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters.
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