but are you going to wear your jacket fully zipped, while reaching backward? I think what makes jackets looks cool worn open or worn half zipped is when the front is pulling apart a little, for racer type jacket I mostly wear half zipped they look best that way, and for cross zip I wear them...
I personally think the front panel of a jacket must be snug, any extra room to accomodate layering must come from the back panel , so from the front view the fit won't change much whether you wear it with a t-shirt or with a mid layer, but the back of the jacket will make room for it, and a...
yes Obenauf leather oil, but I use my hand and not the wool dauber to apply it, it's very liquid, so i drip the dauber on my hand rub my hands together and massage the leather with some wetness on my hand.
I agree any extremes won't age well, our eyes might have been conditioned to follow what's trendy in our community and so after browsing countless of highrise pant wearers photos, your mind starts to think that is the norm and it looks great for you, the same you who think they look ridiculous...
I wear my pants un ironed, I dislike pressed line on pants, so I don't think pleated pants works for me, also high rise pants never works on my body type, I don't have the longest of torso, and my waistband will just drop where low or mid rise pants would be at, and all that high rise would just...
he was a great artist with a strong opinion, RIP. We'll meet our end in our personal way, we shall not fear it, for non religious person it's a full stop, and for religious person it is a gate into the real thing
in local tourist spot like in Bali (since I'm Indonesian) local people would bargain 1/3 or 1/4 of their asking price for t-shirt, or those small boat decoration, and that is a fair price if you buy in market or straight to the vendors who manufacture them, of course it's different when it is...
as a stand alone vest, I think it looks a bit too formal, I think something with more rugged material, or with patch pockets or leather pocket welt or shallower V or curved collar looks a bit more fitting as a vest to be worn as is or under workwear type jacket like trucker and field coat or...
I don't have any saga to tell, just wearing it for morning walk, walking to grocery shopping, I sweat in it a little I clean it, and I got some drizzle while wearing it, and somehow the water stain give it more character, also the brass hardware start growing green patina and some rain dilute...
Ok, i mean if you use pitbull image from dog breed cataloque or from vetenarian pictures there must be many un cut pitbull, and from that you can ask someone to paint just its silhouette, and then maybe on an imaginary circle around the silhouette you can add their names maybe only 3 now and you...
I rather have a pitbull head sillhouette
And then add stripes or the first alphabeth of their name underneath with acrylic or oil paint, i would put these more cartoony patches on the back panel of a trucker denim jacket, or on the crown of a baseball cap, but not on leather jacket. Personally
I have 2 type 3 and I have 1 modified type 1 with 2 front pockets
I don't need another because I haven't wear then enough to properly fade them
btw none of mine are Levi's, I prefer local brands, mega corp like Levi's have their market enough, for the same money I get more in fabrics quality...
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