Verna: What're you chewin' over?
Tom Reagan: Dream I had once. I was walkin' in the woods, I don't know why. Wind came up and blew me hat off.
Verna: And you chased it, right? You ran and ran, finally caught up to it and you picked it up. But it wasn't a hat anymore and it changed into...
Just curious if anyone has purchased a Nobel Stetson.
And if so do you have any pictures of it from the front?
All pictures i've found are only side pics.
I'm not a fan of a tapered crown and would like to make sure.
Just ordered a fed IV deluxe from The Hattery. Just throwing this out there in case this helps - I was looking for a softer felt and asked about it. Naomi & Trudy got back and said to simply request a softer felt in the order comments. I also asked about a black ribbon as opposed to the default...
Hope i'm in the right place using the correct protocol:
Question: I have a Biltmore straw fedora bleached white.
I'm thinking of dyeing the brim of this hat.
What would be the best approach - bye the way, i'd like to do this myself.
So, this is the definitive list:
Art Fawcett
Black Sheep
Tony B at Tumwater
Falcon park
Mike Moore at Buckaroo
Stephen Temkin at Drexler
Steele & Jones
Optimo Hats
Thanks to all the great input.
When I finally get my dream hat I'll post it.
"I deserve all the love you...
Thanks for this most informative post.
I appreciate that Mulceber and DJH (from NH) mentioned Tumwater. I'm all about quality and price.
You're busted.
I try to pick up a hat once a year if/when my bonus comes in here at the chocolate factory.
Thanks to all for the great positive feedback.
I will take my time looking this over.
Looking at both sides of the coin - i'm wondering if there are any to stay away from.
I personally like a classic fedora - i think the one that was worn by Alain Delon in Le Samourai is one that I would like...
I used to go to the fedora store to have my hats customized - brim, ribbon, color scheme etc.
On my most recent visit to this site I could not find this option; the Fedora Store informed me that Beaver Brand Hats (since 1860), the folks that offered this great option is now out of business...
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