Here before you gentlemen, I offer you a peak inside the most genius invention this side of the ThighMaster: Boys, this is my secret, personally engineered, cheap guy hack for jacket hangers. Instead of patenting it and making millions so I can be wealthy, I say, "Screw that!!! I'm gonna share...
If you wear a size Small, live in or near Central California (not quite Northern but North of where I am....) and have some negotiating skills, you're welcome (and Damn you for getting all the cool jackets!!!!!:mad:)
It was still there yesterday when I texted the owner. Yep...
I have several jackets ranging from more fragile really dried out older leather from the 40s-50s to 70s-80s leather that really just needs to be cleaned and lightly conditioned. I am in the process of cleaning them all to prepare for conditioning.
Due to the high praise and recommendations...
After joining FL, reading countless posts here and enviously drooling over all of the members BEAUTIFUL jackets, I am finally posting a query as the FL is truly the only place I can turn to with this Jacket I cannot ID. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I am attempting to post pics...
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