I always have a hatted picture of some iconic person, with matching quote under my signature--usually lyrics from a song the person in the avatar made famous, if it is of a musician, as it usually is. Right now it is a very young, cap-wearing Glenn Miller, but had been Elvis Costello, Artie...
Just saw A Clockwork Orange at the Alex Theater with Malcolm McDowell intaerviewed beforehand by Gary Oldman..... Great fun in a droogyish sort of way.....
Don't know if there are any loungers out Pasadena way, but a great new shop opened at Raymend and Green (in the Stats building) that sells a wonderful range of shaving goods--Trumpers, Penhaligon's, D.R. Harris, etc. as well as razors, etc. Great stuff. It is called the Old Town Shaving...
"Everything's Rosie, everything's jake; how much more can a good girl take?
I told you I loved you, now get out."
If only everything was still jake.......
I just (re) watched the fabulous Moonlighting episode in which David and Maddie both have dream sequences--in black and white-- where they become the characters in a film noir murder mystery involving a big band canary and a man with a horn. GREAT stuff. Even Orson Welles thought so, and it...
Today I wore my brown Bate's Trilby out walking the hounds. When I came back my daughter said that I looked like a cowboy (?). Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I have been listening to a lot of X lately. Ain't Love Grand's Burning House of Love is a great song--just shows that punk can be good and commercial, too.
So many great ones--I love Double Indemnity, Laura, DOA, Dark Passage--I count Sunset Blvd and Gilda as Film Noir, too. I love neo-noir--not spoofs of film noir, but latter day offerings like Choose Me and even that great French classic Diva..... Men in hats, wet, dark streets, stylish...
I had a refreshing Campari and soda--one of my favorite summer drinks. It reminds me of several things (a much-loved aunt, Venice at dusk, Negronis, etc.) but especially of Richard deVere's line in To the Manor Born in which he talks about the established London business men--the "city"--as a...
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