I've fixed one that was well approximated using fabric glue on the back side. Now you can't tell there was ever a crack at all.
You could do this on larger cracks that are not so well approximated but there will forever be a scar.
Every day hat
Rarely a day goes by lately that I'm not wearing my PB Cuenca.
Today I'm here to get my jug refilled. I hope the line at the still is not too long. :eusa_doh:
Nice color choice on the lid, Bart... :D Healing meditations your way...
Great times, Spats! I really dig the old photos of the fish'n fedoras. There were a few old fedora photos on our little outing too. ;)
Not too much brim for you, I think. :eusa_clap
Next stop for the Traveling Hat is Ohio for a rendezvous with Tango Yankee.
Pretty dang cool!
How does one say "Howdy Pard" in Hawaiian?
Duck, that green thing on your head looks pretty cool too.
:eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap
2 3/4 > 2 5/8 > 2 1/2 > ... ???
Stingyitis is one of those slow moving afflictions. It just kind of creeps on on a person without them noticing.
Looks good! The Major did a nice job.
Actually, I had it on while doing chores around the house so I didn't follow the plot very close. My wife was getting a total kick out of it though!
Some very cool Panamas (Bakus ?) in there. That alone is worth a look.
Well, mostly a fine job I guess... except the package was missing one of the DVDs. I'll get that out to Spats tomorrow (Sat.).
Yah, Spats, don't be afraid to push the felt around. It moves pretty good with a liberal spray down of distilled water.
Travelling hat pics
I figured you guys wouldn't mind some shots of the Travelling Hat since it is an Akubra Squatter.
Here's the traveler sitting between my two Squatters.
Size 7 1/2 sits a little loose on my 7 1/4 head.
Oh, yes! Coffee on!
The hat is on it's way to Spats McGee in Arkansas. Be patient. It has to travel through Missouri and I'm pretty sure they still deliver mail down there by mule train. ;)
This one was donated by Arron Hats. It has chin strap holes so it probably came to North America via David Morgan.
Feel free to post a pic in front of the store, though. :D
What about in front of the factory? :D :D
If folks around here were running the show open crowns would be the only thing available, mostly. I wonder how good or bad that would be for business? [huh]
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