I handle my hats by the crown,the pinch,the side of the pinch,lightly....I do not squeeze the pinch.I find it very awkward to handle a hat by the brim.I've been wearing hats for over 40 years and I haven't hurt one yet.Straws too.I bought a Stetson 25 that had been handled by the brim.You could...
I put it on my head then move it around on my head throughout the day.I hate to wear it in the same position.I don't wear a hat for people to see,I wear a hat because I like to wear a hat.If I were the only person on earth I would wear a hat,and a damn nice one....
Isn't it funny how our wives don't like us to look like dorks.I think it might be a good idea to pay attention.I can assure you my wife would hate that hat on me.
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