Not quite sure what I've landed here. Stetson 7X Westerner, which is an animal I'm not at all familiar with. What little I've been able to find, seems to indicate a 70s to 80s production, with this lining. But the hat looks like something out of 40s or 50s lineup, and I wasn't aware that...
Welcome back, Eric! I hope there was a sufficient amount of "off-time" while traveling to compensate for the work. And yes, scrambling over scree in a fedora would probably NOT be my first choice either! And a DOZEN to jump back in the pool??? Niiiiiiiiiice, sir! Every single one of those...
WONDERFUL update, Robert!! And why would you EVER think you need to apologize for being emotional through a trial like this? You are a good and loving husband, sir, and such concern and emotion is NOTHING you need apologize for. Prayers continuing for her swift and complete recovery from the...
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