Gotta mention the liner in this one, Alan.
Probably the coolest liner tip of all Borsalino’s to my eye.
I always appreciate the little dip in the front brim of your up brims..
Subtle class.
I love this story.
At first i thought oh another stinky should i fix , is it worth it or just trash it jacket thread.
But, you love this jacket. Old smokey loved this jacket. Probably broke his heart about giving away his pride and joy.
Most folks around here have so many jackets, have graduated...
I don’t know. He def seems like a “last word” kinda person.
He sorta said sayonara before but not really.
I think he’s just bitting off his tongue reloading so as to regale us with a wall-o-blast for the inequities of the great unwashed lounge.
Then walk with self-elevating dignity evidenced...
Thanks for your post @El Marro.
Here’s a post from a thread dedicated to his passing.
He was a good man, a man with old school honor and integrity as well as humility and compassion.
This does not help!
It is incendiary and in no way addresses the OP’s stated concerns.
See the previous posts to satisfy your curiosity or start your own thread dedicated to your curiosity.
This dead horse has been kicked enough….again!
Robert, all your Tina Tops are amazing but i gotta say my all time Tina Top fav is the sultry lady camo.
Ps: prayers from afar for her continued health recovery!
We call them fiddlehead ferns here in WV and you can eat them. But then again we eat Ramps too!!
Prob go good with your menu, Shoe. The ferns not the ramps.
PSA: Obit
I think…i think…He’s gone guys.
I believe the virus “Newby Knows” ran it’s course spectacularly and flame out was within 72 hrs after a hard fought battle that included an offer of the Anti-virus but alas, refused.
A near record for the virus demise and he will join the long list of...
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